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Narcissist is an overused term to describe inconsiderate people..

There is a difference between having a personality disorder and having faults. Anyone can display signs of being a narcissist as most people crave attention and admiration... a lot of people put their own needs before the needs of others.

You ever read those Facebook posts saying "he's a narcissist if he doesn't buy you flowers and criticises you"? Something along those lines...

The truth is most people are on the spectrum to varying degrees and behaviours displayed by narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths etc are to much more of an extreme than say an asshole or a thoughtless person.

There's also this notion that these people hide behind masks, probably I mean we all hide behind masks to some degree we do it to preserve ourselves it is rare that anyone is completely honest.

So how do you find out who is a narcissist, a sociopath, a psychopath? Get close to them is your best bet because like most people they often reveal more about themselves to people they know however this isn't guaraunteed.
Miram · 31-35, F Best Comment
I agree with this to an extent.

We crave to understand why we're hurt to the point that we just can't accept evil is a segment of our nature and the capacity doesn't need a co-existing mental illness, not even mental unwellness. Some of the most horrific acts are done by the sane.

That capacity and those traits are within all of us. If there is a spectrum, it is a spectrum within another bigger spectrum and overlapping with several others. The capacity exists beyond one spectrum, all over, and beyond PD.

SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
I should say first that if you (I mean you, any audience who sees this) have to guess whether someone is a narcissist or not, you probably shouldn't be hanging around them anyways. You don't ever want to guess if someone is just being toxic or if it's their "faults." Because by the time you find out, they'll ruin your life. You don't have to "guess" if anyone's toxic, it's likely that they're toxic.

You don't have to be the "fixer" in any relationship, that's who narcissists go for is codependents. They rely on morally grey areas to make you second guess yourself through various means like gaslighting and "were they really serious" in order to confuse your mind and have control over you.

"he's a narcissist if he doesn't buy you flowers and criticises you"?

The meme is saying that if the guy doesn't care about your needs and is highly critical, they're likely a narcissist which ironically makes the meme true. The "if he doesn't buy you flowers" part is talking about how if the other person doesn't care for your needs but is highly critical of you, they're likely toxic. They used flowers only as a metaphor rather than literally, if you take it metaphorically the meme is correct as it's not about the flowers at all, not the point.

Only people who really know narcissists would get the meme because we know that narcissists are highly critical people. They are on high alert all the time for something to criticize over, even stuff they are hypocritical about themselves, this is classic narcissism. They will often get you to react, making you feel like the bad guy or even turn people against you. It's one of those memes that if you know, you know. If you don't, then you think the meme is being mean and if you've never been in that relationship or maybe you have but are in denial, then you couldn't possibly know.

There is a difference between having a personality disorder and having faults. Anyone can display signs of being a narcissist as most people crave attention and admiration... a lot of people put their own needs before the needs of others.

Paraphrased from the link, well I would have said this anyways but the difference between narcissism and pathological narcissism is patterns. Behavior, frequency, intensity and duration are all important. A pathological narcissist will ALWAYS resort to destructive narcissistic methods, even if they appear to be narcissistic on occasion and mildly:

Furthermore, NPDs have specific language patterns, there is some things that pathologicals would ALWAYS do over people who display just narcissism.



WhateverWorks · 36-40
I kind of agree and don’t at the same time because there are different reasons someone might be habitually inconsiderate, which aren’t always about an empathy deficit and lifestyle of feeding off people then obliterating them.

I think it’s important to remember that there is a huge difference between someone who has a lot of narcissistic traits versus NPD. That however does not lessen the harm narcissistic traits cause just because they don’t have the full-blown disorder.

The mask someone with narcissistic traits hides behind isn’t a ‘social convention’ mask or even about general dishonesty. It’s a very specific mask of pretending that they empathize with people when they don’t in order to gain access to them and manipulate them.
Graylight · 51-55, F
This is true not only of narcissism but many other things floating around these days. Anxiety, PTSD, depression, ADHD...

People these days are UBER-interested in carrying labels on their back. A label without a cure is worthless. And yes, many people share many different traits and in that way, emotional and behaviors live on a spectrum.

However, you're absolutely right that in order to be an actual "thing," a condition of note, one must have clinically significant difficulty resulting in life issue along a whole spectrum of dimension. It's not opinion-based, it's science based. There are assessments, screening tools, testing; it's very evidentiary based.

And when you come down to it, diagnosis is as much about coding for billing as anything else. It's the symptoms of unrest a person wants to look for and treat initially.
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Misanthropic · 26-30, M
i can actually say they are. Bec there been a patterned for yrs. It the same pattern too
most people's behaviour is patterned. Based on who we are we generally repeat the same routine, behaviours etc.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
@Darksideinthenight2 Yeah, they are pretty rare. I think I’ve only met one person I’m somewhat confident was an NPD. Even when I give them the benefit of the doubt, at best they had BPD.
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