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BPD Explained

BPD , also known as EUPD (emotionally unstable personality disorder) affects feelings and emotions.

I live with a fear of abandonment , that people will leave my life.

I live with impulsiveness , often buying things I don't need.

I have an FP (favourite person) to whom I become easily emotionally attached.

I often engage in self sabotage or self destructive behaviour.

I say things I don't mean to family.

Life is exhausting with BPD. Making it through each day is a challenge
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
I've known a few people who live with that, and I've also experienced some of those symptoms in my past due to traumas, depression, anxiety, but I'm lucky enough to have moved past it.
It is exhausting for them though and they feel vulnerable a lot so it must be difficult.
My wife has BPD, I semi understand what you go through, I think the fact that you manage to manage day to day is a real achievement. You should be really proud of yourself. It’s really not easy.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
True for most behavioral conditions/personality disorders.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I think you are very brave to put a face on your mental illness and put yourself out there like this. it seems that you identify with your illness quite a lot.

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