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I’m getting sad again

Tonight has been a little rough..I feel like no one really cares anymore about how I’ve been feeling, my friends tell me I’m too negative sometimes, but I honestly don’t know how to shake this
I thought I was getting a little better earlier this year, but the last few months I’ve just been sinking deeper and deeper into all the stuff in my head. It’s so hard to even just get up to do simple things like do the dishes now
I don’t know what to do
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I know how you feel, I suffer from anxiety and depression, I take meds, but I still have my good & bad days. Today was a good day, I was off work and just relaxed, did a little shopping, took a cruise top down & played with my ferret. Most days are work, shower, eat, spend a little time with my ferret, sleep, repeat. Meds don't do much for me on work days except keep me calm.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Just take it day by day
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
when everything gets you down look up. No it is not an instant cure all. Just a benefit you can experience that may help you get through.
Welcome to what depression makes you feel like
Flowers90 · 26-30, F
Yeah I know lol @ExperienceDLT
@Flowers90 try to hang in there ok

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