This profile may contain Adult content.
Speak only when you are sure that your words are better than your silence...
About Me About Me NotesThe Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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masterofyou · 70-79, M

masterofyou · 70-79, M

masterofyou · 70-79, M
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masterofyou · 70-79, M

masterofyou · 70-79, M

You've been a pillar for me, for what feels like forever. Thank you for being such a dear friend.
Lots of Love
And tight hugs
Lots of Love
And tight hugs
masterofyou · 70-79, M

masterofyou · 70-79, M
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masterofyou · 70-79, M
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Bad Ass nice Guy
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I am not easy to figure out…i am a simple yet complicated soul, balanced but moody…i can be quiet and retreat into my own abyss or i can be a little silly…shy but introverted extrovert perhaps…I ruminate or don’t think of it, whatever it is, at all… but i am who i am and i make no excuses for myself…I can't be with anyone that wants to pick which “me” they care to spend time with because like a box of cracker jacks, you never know what's inside…outwardly my appearance is what it is….the life i have lived shows my trials and tribulations….i make mistakes, i have become jaded and somewhat guarded, i am on a journey of a lifetime, because i chose independence and a life of free will to finally find out just who i am without being what was expected of me to be or to do….and i wouldn’t change my decision for the world….is it easy, oh hell but hell no….i have fucked up so many times but i have gotten it right so many times as well…nothing important enough worth having/wanting is ever easy but it builds confidence, not settling or being complacent's all a new lesson every day, and as i take baby steps along the path i am on, i do so knowing that life is to be lived, take me as i am for that is all that i know how to be…nor would i care to be anyone else..the best things in life are free figure it all out..sweet dreams from my soul to yours…. ♡Dada
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My mean Master look You ((((Must Obey))) lol
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A Total Daddy That's Me...
I Want You To Know About Me
Just Some Guy
Non-sadist Daddy type who looking for his muse.
The Bonnie to my Clyde.
Don't be easy, as I won't respect you.
Don't be shy, you'll annoy me.
Respect yourself and your body, I respect mine.
Be yourself, everyone else is taken.
Know who you are, I know who I am.
Intelligence and Confidence are soooo sexy!
(Knowing who owned Schrodinger's cat will get you a gold star.)
(Helping me shave Schrodinger's cat with Occam's razor will get you another!)
(Want to serve Me? Make me a sandwich... LOL)
All rude, offensive, annoying or impertinent comments will not be ignored. They will, however, be graded for originality and spelling, then publicly ridiculed.
As Willie Nelson sang,
"To all the girls I loved before...."
So long and thanks for all the fish...
But I will find you and want to keep
you forever even if I just live for another
Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-... That's all, folks.....
Follow me on Fetlife......
I'm a retired Engineer from the aerospace industry..
I'm an older gentleman, very empathetic, a very good listener..
I'm Married with 2 daughters ... I'm a caregiver to my wife of 43 years.... I'm not looking for marriage..
I love to flirt because I love all women. I probably could fall in love with you, but it is probably a bad idea... Most likely Impossible anyway....
I'm here just to write, post comments, make friends flirt and enjoy... I'm not here to have a relationship with you because in the end you will just get hurt.. And I'm not in the mood for more Drama in my life... I have had plenty in the last few days to last me a lifetime actually just a few minutes ago a good friend just got upset and went on a ranpage.
Thank you Please just be nice..
About me
"If you know yourself and know your enemy, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." - Sun Tzu
This is the quote I use the most often and which I find to be the most applicable to any situation. So many things in life can be analyzed using this quote that it helps me to make many a situation easier to deal with. Then sometimes not..
If you can handle an older gentleman in your life an don't mind my naughty ways, and you need a Daddy in your life,,, well maybe I'm your guy....
I like cancelled plans. And empty bookstores. I like rainy days. And thunderstorms. And quiet coffee shops. I like messy beds and over-worn pajamas. Most of all, I like the small joys that a simple life brings.
What is the true measure of a man? How many women he has bedded? How much money and things he has? No. It is his sexuality that makes him what he is. This sexuality is different for every man. Many of us label ourselves with Hetero- Homo- Bi- Trans- while many of us are fluid. That being said, I believe that there is a truth for some of us which is much easier to pin down: Primal, carnal lust. Pervert is a delicious and provocative term that extends beyond a preference. It is a hunter who hungers for the taste of the taboo and the deviant because reveling in these things stands out as the reward for those who dare to break the rules and the boundaries of their psyches and move beyond.
I am a married man who has always had an innate desire to transcend whatever expectations society may expect of me. I do so in the privacy and security of my domain. While traversing the day-to-day world, I am subtle and resigned to act in a manner consistent with a older aged married man; beneath this facade though is a man who knows that his hungers must be fed. Not in any sort of reckless manner however. Decadence costs a premium to those who carelessly seek the pleasure without the proper approach. My wife and partner is very well versed in my ways, as she shares many of the traits which I possess. This makes us a perfectly mated pair. She is my partner in crime and recognizes that my lust and hunger feeds her own deviance.
I have learned to pay attention and enjoy the diversions in life as they arise, or else they'll sail right by, never to be had again.
While some of these diversions are physical - some of my most memorable experiences have been random conversations in a bar, over a drink. If you take the time to really listen to what the other person is actually saying, and be mentally open to follow the rabbit down the hole, then a fantastic, never to be repeated moment is likely just around the corner.
And I'll always follow that white rabbit down the hole☺
Well one other thing, if you can't be civil don't comment on my posts... If you are not nice, I will block, mute, and remove. Your comments.... Got that! ?? You will be abandoned, cast out, maybe ...
I'm on FetLife if interested... My account ID is DadaAtlas. Stop by, send this Old DaddyDom a wink and a nod..
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MoonlightLullaby thinks you are Awesome.

Of course you're awesome because you're YOU. You know how much I love the boys in uniform and also you as a most treasured person, so I wanted to pay my thanks for your service ❤🤍💙
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@MoonlightLullaby I guess that was a big lie
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