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70-79, M
Speak only when you are sure that your words are better than your silence...
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100+, F
But how?!?
100+, F
Thank you. Here's hoping for brighter days for us both!
You are always so very kind! Thank you for your beautiful heart
100+, F
Thanks for the gift. It reminded me of better days.
Thank you for being you 🌹
Cheers .. A couple of hours shy, nevertheless, wishing you a good one, and many more happy returns of your special day!
Happy Halloween πŸ’€
26-30, F
Thank you
I do love stuffies
This is so.. You. Lol. 😁
Boo! πŸ‘» πŸ‘» πŸ‘» ..

For you, for tomorrow.
Wishing you many more happy returns of your special day.
Hmm.. Sands of time..

For you.. For always being there, availing yourself no matter the time or circumstance.
I don't think I've ever thanked you. Thank you Master. You've played I big role in my life and I am forever grateful. Your Friend. #Z
100+, F
Thank you. Have a seashell to remember summer by. No matter how cold the winter, the sun will return again soon.
100+, F
Don't forget to eat a good lunch
Haha. I found it for you.
My memory is sharp.. I hope you find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
36-40, F
You are spoiling me😊
A bit late.. Happy Birthday πŸ’™ I hope you had a good one.
Thank uπŸ€—
100+, F
So oddly specific. Bitten vanilla filled cookie XD
100+, F
I remember
Ooooh. What do we have here 😁 ..