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Have you ever seen a horse on a city street?

Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M Best Comment
Technically that horse is NOT on the street... lol

Oh a wise guy, eh?! (slap, slap!)

Gibbon · 70-79, M
Yes. In Washington DC and Chicago

Thanks for your comment rich in detail.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@rinkydinkydoink I developed such a relationship with 2 on one of the farms when I stopped by their field after being gone for 3 years they both ran to fence to great me. I fed them both grass from my side which is always better. They both watched me drive off. It was quite heart warming.

Again... the details you add make the picture you draw clear and warm.
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
Yes. Many times actually. Downtown and even outside of parks in the outer urban areas.
Lots of times

It never gets old (I would think).
@rinkydinkydoink Horse drawn carts get old fast. Not so a man in uniform on a powerful steed.

Sounds reasonable, Sensible 😁
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
Many times.

It never gets old. I can remember horse drawn milk AND ice wagons.

Remember these?

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Does this include the Amerinds?
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You realize all of Nature is about eat or be eaten, right? Might is right and all that.
Also, rats and mice are semi-domesticated already. They have flourished where there are masses of people. Who befriended who first and why: Dogs or humans?

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