Men…is this true: Can a woman ever express her love or affection for you too much?
This is a question I often ponder. I’m naturally very loving and affectionate. Like when I’m with someone, I have no problem expressing my love for them through text or phone call whenever I get the urge lol. But I try not to do it too much because apparently people say it turns men off when you do that. Like it seems as if you’re chasing them. But if we are together, why does me expressing my love to you make me creepy or overbearing lmao. It’s like you never really know what to do. Like why do we have to play games to keep someone who so called loves us interested. Why can’t we just rest and feel comfort in our love lol? Just a few thoughts. No my partner has not made me feel less than for showing my love to him. But so many articles and so called love gurus go against it. Pretty much saying we will annoy them and push them away if we text first too much, or always initiate contact first, or say you love them too much. Apparently we need to cause men to always want to chase us in order to keep them interested. Thats ridiculous. If we love each other, it should simply be that. No games, so my question is, is this true?? Men??