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I Believe In Multiple Types Of Soul Mates

Why One When Its Difficult To Find One

I got to know that body on earth, is soul in heaven.

Heaven or Earth after death, in my opinion, is a stupid theory, for we already exist as souls in heaven (spiritual realm) & body in Earth (physical realm).

Like how we wear a special robe to enter a furnace, the soul wears the body to do work on earth.

so its a world of soul acquaintances
in which we find that its so difficult to find a soul-mate, cause none have time to spend with another to know another.

So where and when did we give time to another, to ask for one?

So lets start sculpting or making soul mates of as many,

rather than expecting one to come out of the blue,

and end up with one

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Stuffy · 61-69, F
Why must there be any soul mates?
in10RjFox · M
@Stuffy hmmm.. what's your understanding of soul spirit etc. ?

To me, we are two souls interacting and exchanging thoughts without being physically present next to each other.. and using no voice but talking.. yah ?
Stuffy · 61-69, F
@in10RjFox yeah all I know is that there is something beside/beyond physical but I have few clues. I know some people seem to think they know more about than I do. How does that help me if I can’t experience it?
in10RjFox · M
@Stuffy nope.. I am talking about sensory while you are going into extra sensory ..

Who am I to you sending messages?

Am I in your thoughts or am I your thought?
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Going on the reality that there are different types of love I would agree that multiple soul mates are probable:)
abstractmuse90 · 31-35, F
I definitely believe in having more than one soul mate. Our society puts so much pressure on having one person to be with or one soul mate in general to connect with us, when there are so many out there that serve different lessons.
abstractmuse90 · 31-35, F
That's an interesting way to look at it. Some people feel more like an accessory in relationships than like a person.
in10RjFox · M
@abstractmuse90: lol yeah .. as if they were never endowed with a mind of their own to think and assert and that they have to ask their spouse or s/o .... which is pseudo parenting ..
abstractmuse90 · 31-35, F
lol yeah, i feel like i kind of turned into a parent when i was in a relationship, and it was with a guy who was and is still an alcoholic. So it's nice to not feel like i have to fix or parent someone.
Candie · F
well, there's such a thing as karmic obligation. not everyone is free and clear to join with their one soul i'd think. itd be nice if everyone could meet their final soulmate but i don think it's always the case. who knows why God puts us where we we are and what people we may meet. i think the trick is to follow your heart/gut/instincts/intuition in who to get with.

eta- they say the choices we make determine the path we take
in10RjFox · M
there's such a thing as karmic obligation.

Yes and everyone must understand the obligation and not keep themselves away from it in the name of chastity sanity etc. They seem to be more obligated to the scriptures that they read early in life but ignore the obligation to LIFE ..

They starve and make the other part starve too ..
kathydodson715 · 36-40, F
@in10RjFox agreed
Unsatisfiedstace · 51-55, F
Love the one you're with??
Unsatisfiedstace · 51-55, F
@in10RjFox: asking you.
in10RjFox · M
well.. hope you can see I have never used the word "love" anywhere. Loving is easy and it just a willingness. But soul mates go a bit beyond the usual.
Unsatisfiedstace · 51-55, F
@in10RjFox: Ahhhh yes I see.
My apologies for not properly understanding.
Hmmm... Soul mates is just one type of great connection.
There are twin flames, life partners, mentors, companions, kindred spirits... All types.

They click with us in differnt ways.
in10RjFox · M
@OogieBoogie omg! We have interacted so much earlier too .. and how different our take is each time ..
@in10RjFox we change.... It's inevitable... I still believe what i wrote though.
Humans have become shallow. Always looking out.... Or forward.

Never 'in' and "now '.

Looking for that stupid impossible 'forever happiness '.... When pure contentment is such a beautiful thing.
in10RjFox · M
@OogieBoogie I see it as going the wrong direction.. for even thinking is walking .. and none realise who made us think in this direction which is entirely wrong .. but they have a lot of company and majority of fools are together.. 😀😀
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Lol not looking for a mate soul or otherwise. Didn't not I say unto u that none was worthy for me to copy or idolize and worship as if they were a creator God. I distant myself from all the dead already walking around bumping into each other. Friendship? I would rather b friends with the Darkness and that which lives in it Than to have one of u worthless human beings betraying me untrustworthiness that u people always shine in. Without fail. Non of u r worth being a friend of mine.... BTW I kinda like the way u think. I will say that abt u.. U have some wisdom and understanding. Have a great day.
Peaches · F
Maybe so...🤗
Habituated 🤔... Yep! That's it, thats tje word I was first trying to explain.

I remember back, kids just starting school. Talking with mums in the carpark.
Conversation roams as it does _ husbands came up.
And I was surprised at the ammount of women barely near 40, and their sex lives seemed near done.
Theyd say things like - " ugh, once a week if I have to! "
"well, ya gotta, keeps him happy and out if my hair"

I'm standing tjere, trying desperately to look thoughtful all the time biting my cheeks from saying "DAFUQ!! " while praying earnestly that I never end up so dead!
in10RjFox · M
@OogieBoogie Habituated and Domesticated..imagine a Domesticated tiger moving about like a cat ..😄😄😄

I always say marriage has done more harm to humanity than good..
@in10RjFox I've actually been thinking lately that when/ if you marry, or whatever and have kids - it's called something else like union for family, or parental marriage.
And the only commitment is for the duration and stability of their care. It has a time limit.
Then, afterwards, you are free to stay together or part.... Easily _ with laws and protocols already set in pkace.
in10RjFox · M
@OogieBoogie yah got it right.. Bingo.. marriage should be for a limited period with rolls and extensions if need be .. like a movie project after which parents are just paper work.. children move on with their family name ..

In fact marriage system was created for progeny unfortunately abused for sexual exclusivity...

I once thought of a what if situation when I understood sex as a peppy beverage that is within us which we need another to have with.. and what if beer or cigarette gained that stigma.. and that you need to get married to have a beer .. and you can't have beer before marriage and can't go with anyone else to a bar.. and you need to wait for your partner .. hahaha.. it was hilarious..
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
soul mates do hang in tribes.
So true.

I've studied many religions... They are so similar at the core.

But the one thing that gets me over and over again is this silly idea that a God will come along and fix everythjng!!!

That we should forgive SO MUCH EVIL - that we allow it to Walk right over us!

I don't believe that anymore.

I believe that if a God did make us.... He made us strong - to work for a better world, and to fucking crush evil when ot rears it's ugly head.

We make our own heaven right bloody here.... It's nit God thats gonna give it to us on a silver platter!

People don't get it... We never left the garden of Eden.... God did.
And we destroyed it

We still are.....
@in10RjFoxsorry... I missed this reply.

I'm techlexic, I wouldn't even know how to start a blog.... And I fear the stuff I know would run out pretty soon 😂
in10RjFox · M
@OogieBoogie and you missed my pm as well sent long ago .. 😀
@in10RjFox ah... I'm so sorry.

I have My PM's set pretty limited.
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