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I Am In Love With Someone Ive Never Met

Is it love or is it lust if you have never met the person; and you find them intriguing, interesting, funny, and attractive without even knowing them or seeing them? There are a few women here on SW that certainly can fall into this arena; and I would not mind meeting some of them someday, even if it was for a brief encounter.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Let's take to task the difference in men and women somewhat based on comments I have witnessed in the last few days on SW.

First, men seem to be far more visual than us ladies generally. I have noticed guys are centered first on your avatar. The first comments they make to me for example are beautiful lips or I want to kiss you. Other ladies that have pictures up of themselves or of stock photos of beautiful women gain a lot of attention. But is that attention love or lust, and if the pictures used aren't your own is the lust directed toward the person or simply an avatar?

From my own standpoint as a woman, I don't pay much attention to avatars. I am more focused on interacting with the person, and knowing them from the inside out. It is one thing to have a handsome face or body on your avatar and it is totally another if you can't hold your own in a conversation with me. I really think we fall in love with all our senses but our heart and mind lead us to love. If a person can awaken my heart and then get in my head and occupy time there anything is possible. So I can understand how some people could fall in love and never meet.
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Thanks for your comment Gentle. I think lust and love are closely related, and both can happen even without seeing the person, but I think lust comes more from the mind while love comes from the heart.
joahola98wj · 31-35, F
It's neither. I've had enjoyable and stimulating conversations with people online and I've read articulate writings that I found appealing online, but I never lusted or fell in love with someone through the Internet. We can’t see people’s body language, hear the tone of their voice or the sound of their laugh, watch how they behave around other people, or smell their scents. We also don’t know their complete life stories. We don’t witness their habits and behavior we don’t like that they do. We also don’t know if people mean the words they say online. Someone can say all the right things without feeling anything.
Lovemeorhateme0987 · 31-35, F
You can fall in love with words, or virtual personality lol. You can fall in love with just the way she smile. You can fall in love with the attention they can give and sometimes they can give more than a real person you mingle everyday except for the fact that you cant touch them.
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
@Fungirl, excellent points that you make. I agree that men are typically more visual than women. However, some women do lie about not being visual; as many want their GQ man that has a fabulous body and six pack abs. But yes, men typically flock to women that use an avatar of a beautiful woman or a body part, so the lust is misdirected.
I like how you feel, and how you want someone to touch you through your mind with stimulating conversation and personality. That is also how I feel; although I do adore beautiful women and body parts. I can feel like I am falling in love with someone based on stimulating interaction and conversations, even though I have never seen them.
You are wonderful darlin', based on what I know so far. :D
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
@Determined, I agree that it can "feel" like love, but it is missing an important factor, the physical presence of the other person.
@Jenn, good to know that I am not the only one that wonders.
Btw, I wonder why you have not send me your legs. lol
I think it boils down to chemistry ... If you click with somebody you click .. But this is the Internet so it's just fantasy here.
If it's a secret you wanted to keep, you just might have sealed the wrong lips.;)
Ynotjenn · F
This is a very good question. I wonder the exact same thing :)
sometimes it might be better not to break the spell.
LostnThought · 100+, F
They just love the way I type to them....🙃
It is easy to fall in love with someone here without any idea what they look like. I am totally in love with someone from EP and was hooked long before I saw her picture. Just talking to her for a while after I first met her, I fell for her. Still crazy about her even tho she is gone.
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Well I feel that it is important to articulate, to help prevent any confusion or misunderstands; not that it prevents it from happening anyway. :)
Sorry to hear that you hurt your shift finger. Here, let me kiss it and make it better. :*
Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
Lust seems unlikely without knowing what they look like, so I'd say it's love. :) But of course there are many types of love, so it could still be a really good friendship rather than marriage material.
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
I have received a couple, with more coming in the near future. These were ones I thought that I would get though. I was hoping for a few surprises. ;)
Maybe I would get more if that thread was more active than this one. lol
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Lol, well I am taller than you. Fyi, I just read some of your stories and can tell you that people block you for a couple of reasons: your age, and your stupid comments.
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Very good comment Love. I think that you can think that you are falling in love with the virtual person. But that is why I posted the question; if it is virtual, then is it lust or is it love?
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
I think many of us have the potential to have our moments. Take me for example; just think how many women I have made laugh because of my simple request. :P
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Well I guess that I can always block you if you plan on posting nonsense comments on someone's story, especially if you know nothing about them.
DeterminedMed · 41-45, F
I think I am too. . .hooked on them and love their attention, but feel like it's a stretch that I love them, but it feels like love in a way. . .
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
So FoolishLuna, are you saying that people cannot fall in love or lust with someone on the internet?
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Oh? Probably because there is no need to brag when all that spend time with you get to witness it first hand. :D
LostnThought · 100+, F
It could be love or lust, depending on the people. I have seen it happen many times during my time on EP.
LostnThought · 100+, F
Oh, just the way you type at me. Lol. And who could resist my wit, charm, and wittycharm....
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
I knew there had to be a reason. :P
I am sure everything about you is awesome. ;)
Ynotjenn · F
haha. I have to keep some secrets! Like how awesome my legs are! :)
no I am saying that I don't ALD that would make me Foolish
DeterminedMed · 41-45, F
I can totally relate to your post. I have a few myself. . .
LostnThought · 100+, F
*Blushes* were talking about me...right?
LostnThought · 100+, F
Yeah, yeah....we all know this.....
LostnThought · 100+, F
Another topic not for open forum...
LostnThought · 100+, F
My lips are sealed.....
LostnThought · 100+, F
Hey...I don't brag.....☺️
Ynotjenn · F
I have my moments ;)
Ynotjenn · F
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Oh? Here I thought your name was Foolish. :$
@joahola98wj, you bring up some very good points. Therefore, I think we would not fall in love with someone, but possibly could lust for them based on saying all the right things.
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
@Fungirl, I do have nice hands and a good heart; at least as far as I am concerned. I know how to use my hands, on certain things; and I feel my heart can be good most of the times, as long as people treat me the way that I treat them. :D
JenniferB · 46-50, F
@aldazmeister He's trolling me on my question too, where I wish Happy Mother's Day to all the moms. His elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
@DeterminedMed, it is fairly easy to lust for others, especially if they are an acquaintance from a social media site.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
plus you are very articulate. that is why I like talking to you. and I hurt my shift finger and having trouble capping things
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
@Lost, do not let the word spread though; we need to keep this secret about you limited to a select few. ;)
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
I agree that it can be either, depending on the people, and their connection/chemistry.
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Good, because you cannot go around bragging about your wit and charm; that will only make others fall for you. ;)
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
@MRLoverlyday, I agree.
@manoroyop, what? You do not know me, so why make a comment like that?
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Aww thank you. I only have one shift finger because of my accident and now I jammed it.
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Lol, well I had to do it; I blocked the little brat manoroyop, and I hope others block him. :)
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
I posted on it again hoping that you would comment. lol
*Fungirlmmm body guard walks in* ...

fun am i working tomorrow lol
JenniferB · 46-50, F
Yes, they are aldnaz, they probably think they're funny. Oh well lol.
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