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Are there are more interracial dating couples in US cities compared to other US cities?

I am a black guy I am in my early 30’s. I have been really unsuccessful finding a girl that is a different race or ethnicity than me. I don’t discriminate I am open to dating whatever race. I wanted to ask for example if you had to compare Pittsburgh vs the DMV region which would be more accepting of interracial dating? Also which US cities stand out more than others when it comes to interracial dating like whose least accepting to more accepting? New York City? Chicago? Los Angeles? Houston? Miami? Yes DMV like I said DC Maryland, and Northern VA. White women/black men? Black women/white men? Asian men/Black Women? Black Men/Asian Women? Black Men/Latina Women?
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markinkansas · 61-69, M
welcome . and your question is us city vs us city.. its a bit off.. i would say its where ya live in the here in kansas kinda frowned on and its the county part of kansas .. now kansas city its ok and normal.. so texas is different than colo. kinda thing. so . good luck and hope ya find what ya want in life.. drop by my profile if ya like music.. and listen to a song or two
markinkansas · 61-69, M
@TheBlackSamurai6421 ya might not find it here.. face book yes a good maybe .. i am on a few dating sights there and and others . you might have to pay for some of them and if so it shows you are serious about finding a match.. not here tho.. good luck . this is the crazy zone
TheBlackSamurai6421 · 36-40, M
@markinkansas oh I’ve never been to where your at so first time for me.
markinkansas · 61-69, M
@TheBlackSamurai6421 well have fun and do not let a few bad apples get ya down . they can be mean here . go and find a site you pay for . if ya want to find a match. good hunting .
NYCChick · 31-35, F
People should do whatever they feel will work out for them in the long run. Honestly in nyc there is alot mixed relationships people dont really pay attention to it there to busy working and paying bills.
TheBlackSamurai6421 · 36-40, M
@NYCChick well I was going to compare the interracial dating scene in Pittsburgh compared to the DMV area for instance? Is it really close? DC, Maryland, northern Virginia. Just asking out of curiosity. White girls and black guys, black women and white guys? Asian/Black? Latino/Black? Just talking about US mainly not overseas.
Briggett · T
@NYCChick amen, amen on that
Mandyheart98 · 26-30, F
I met my boyfriend in Kentucky at the gym we both go to. He's a black guy. I'm white. He's also older than me by a good bit.
TheBlackSamurai6421 · 36-40, M
@Mandyheart98 I always felt afraid to date someone of a different race yes because I know I’m going to get nasty looks. To me I think you still have to be careful. A lot of people think it’s totally fine to go in any part of the United States and date whoever you want without being judged. People assume that it’s 2025 and racism is over.
Mandyheart98 · 26-30, F
@TheBlackSamurai6421 racism is definitely not over, in fact lately it's been worse than it has in a while. You can't live your life in fear especially when love is involved. There are definitely places that are far more accepting
TheBlackSamurai6421 · 36-40, M
@Mandyheart98 thanks for telling me that.
RedBaron · M
My wife and I live in Brooklyn. We’re both Jewish but obviously interracial.
TheBlackSamurai6421 · 36-40, M
@RedBaron I see well congrats.
Different · 31-35, M
I have never had this issue but i live in LA it is mixed here too lol if i like a girl i like her idc about race my fav color is naked anyway hahaha but yeah u can find any women here i like every race of women tho dont have a preference although i do have a thing for Armenian chicks more then anything haha but id never turn down another girl cause of her race lol but i never had a girl tell me she cant like me cause im black lol
If you don't discriminate then what does it matter? People date whomever they want .. doesn't natter to me either
TheBlackSamurai6421 · 36-40, M
@SStarfish well I ask because there are a lot of people who still judge. Black women don’t want to see black men dating outside their race I know that. From what I’ve noticed it seems like black women out of white women, Asian, Latina women, middle eastern women seem to take it the worst when black men date outside of their own. Unfortunately I’ve also heard many black men talk down on black women. I don’t approve of that at all. That’s not right. I don’t discriminate just finding a hard time for someone else to accept me of a different race. Perhaps it’s where I live.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I dunno. I've only ever had much luck with white women every so often. Just the circumstances. Either way it never ends well so I plan on living alone somewhere in Spain as a nomad, lmfao. Dating is exhausting.
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thisguy20 · 41-45, M
Do the number of interracial couple differ in different places: of course they do. Ignoring the question of how it is "viewed", there is the simple matter of some places are more of a racial mono-culture, whereas others a decidedly diverse
Therealsteve · 31-35, M
I haven't been keeping a record of the shades of colour of people in relationships in the US.
dale74 · M
I don't know that any of it matters I never think about it.
in10RjFox · M
Does it mean you are successful in dating girls from your own race ? I basically find the genre of your question absurd as you make dating as arranged like marriage.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
You will probably find the Red states are all ignorant Redneck A-Holes who would frown on it, and the Blue states are more liberal and intelligent.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
NOT De ColOR of hER sKiN HuNz
it’s HoW MuCH she charGinGz
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