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I have a new far left best friend and I love her so much.

Life update: I met this girl who is a neo-pagan and is teaching me how to contact and conjur the goddess brigid (celtic fire diety). This chick actually going to a seminary to be an ordained pagan priestess.

So anyhoo, she basically believes a ton of shit I don't. She is a former swinger. She buys into the rainbow bullshit (fagg0try, basically), and all that.

She's also like such a tight friend. Like we have hit it off so well and both agree that we are both highly empathic people who mean well and accept our differences, and are gonna work together as spiritual allies.

what make me sad is that this country is constantly encouraging based alpha trad niggas like me and people like her to hate each other and go to war. I hate it. I hate how many ppl could be best friends but aren't because of differences on like 5 issues.

Anythoo, i'm really glad I could make friends with her, she's a really kind individual who has helped me a lot on my spiritual journey.
Samek · 36-40, M
She sounds like a good person to have in your life. Cherish her.
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@CestManan What the hell are you talking about lmfao
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