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True story, the greatest love story ever told.

He is mine and I am his...but we don't belong to each other.
Attached to people who didn't like who we were,l we became who we thought they wanted us to be. I let myself conform to the mold he made took and internalized everything he said. He let her take the lead and whatever else she wanted from him while he received nothing in return. lonely in this world we filled the void with random conversations from random people looking for..... something. Untill He found me. And Instantly I felt it. The tickle on my skin, a spark from within and the realization that whatever it was, was pulling me. So I avoided him. And he kept coming back. Drawn like a magnet and like a warrior he attacked. I threw up my shield but his weapons were soft words. His voice and intentions, the sweetest traps I ever heard. I forgot about defenses. He devoured me. Wonderfully. I wanted so bad to give and he wanted so bad to receive. So I gave and he took. He demanded, I supplied. But then without even trying somehow we both ended up with what we needed. Each other. We were in a bubble all our own. Disappeared from the world. Cleaning the wounds that were inflicted upon us. Knowing it couldn't last. We parted ways. Our hearts aching for a home we never knew could exist inside of another person. A year past, then two. Fighting all of life to get free and be the people we discovered we could be. Knowing that somewhere in this world our home is waiting for us. He is mine and I am his. I pray one day we belong to each other.

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