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What does love mean to you?

What does love mean to you? I'm curious what others think. So this is what love means to me. So this is something I really never had the answer to before. So I love myself firstly. I feel a lot of people forget about themselves in a relationship, and forget to love themselves or feel it's selfish to love themselves and it's not. I've been guilty of this in the past. So my love is enough for me. Loving your good, bad and ugly. Forgiving yourself for mistakes and choices you have made. Accepting yourself for who you are. I believe you can love someone if you don't love yourself but it's really difficult. So you really should love yourself first or at least putting love into yourself. Love is something built over time. You may have love for someone but truly loving them comes from truly knowing someone. Getting to know them and letting yourself be valuable as well. Love is also fully accepting the person your with. You need to choose someone who your comfortable accepting all of them, and comfortable truly being yourself with this person. We are human and we are not perfect we will make mistakes. But for me loving someone is loving their good, bad and ugly just like myself. Not trying to change them. Being able to truly be yourself with them as well. Knowing that a relationship is 100% and 100% not 50% 50% and sometimes your not always going to have 100 and that's when your partner picks up the slack and sometimes you're both not going to be 100% that's when you make time for each other. Love is being there for the hard times and not giving up on them. Love is being there for them when they are sick and cannot go anything for themselves. Love is celebrating the good moments together. I also believe setting boundaries are also so important and shows love in my opinion. If you respect your partners boundaries and they respect your boundaries that shows love. Communicating even when it's hard. Having those hard conversations that no one wants to have but is super important. Love is trying to see the other person's perspective and trying to work things out. That's some of what love means to me. This was a great question!
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SimplyLogicalDiscipline · 36-40, F Best Comment
Love is
It's fire
It's a cool breez
It's a lullaby
At times which doesnt let you sleep hahah

Every emotion you could feel in one lifetime.

BeyondCool · 46-50, F
Research how most of those end up. Thats all I'm saying. Everyone always believes they can rise above. The reality is you don't know someone until you live with them. And for most incarcerated people there is a transition and process that needs to take place. Must like grieving that you can't rush or HELP someone along with, because it's in their brain and none of your "good intentions" matter at that point. I mean hello.....let him get out, establish himself as a man and member of society, then.....once he's move god use your fucking head young lady!
BeyondCool · 46-50, F
@Sassychick420 Yup fair enough. Just remember me the day it happens.
Sassychick420 · 31-35, F
@BeyondCool if my relationship ends I learn from it heal and move on. No I will not remember you not for a second. Your truly no one to me I don't know you do your opinion of me really doesn't matter I just wish more people were open minded and not be so afraid of something not working out. Yes these is a possibility it won't work out and I will deal with it at that point not going to assume it's going to end well. I'm not going to pree. Judge people. Everyone has a story and everyone has been through their own shit and are. In their own phase of their journey. All I know is if it doesn't work out hope is not lost. I will find someone else or I'll be single and be happy single. So yeah it is what it is. I hope the best for you
BeyondCool · 46-50, F
@Sassychick420 Its okay, not everyone is meant to find love, happiness, or success. It's just that people usually don't sabotage their own lives because of naivety! The fact that you even take such a hard stand twisting what I say because it doesnt support, "the whittle girl feelings" is obvious to all of us. I mean face it chick, you don't know anything about this guy.... you know only he tells you. Not examples of how he conducts himself or his path once out. You are just muddying the waters. Again good luck.
I consider it to be putting what’s best for someone’s wellbeing before anything else. Like whether or not that person likes me.
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”
(The example I’m thinking is someone I know who has a serious issue with alcohol. I’ve said so, and it put a strain on our friendship, but she’s hurting herself and needed to think about how it’s really going.)
helenS · 36-40, F
There are at least three different types/categories of love, they really don't have much in common:
(a) Christian charity ("Love Thy Neighbor"); that's an abstract concept, a virtue, not a feeling.
(b) love of one's family (parents, children): I think that's the most productive kind of love.
(c) Erotic/sexual love ==> most important reason of despair. It's one of the feelings everyone thinks they should have. Will lead to boredom, struggle, hate, and similar unpleasant things more often than not. It's perhaps better to avoid that. 😑
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Love, as I understand it, is tenderness and forgiveness for somebody else. It's what makes you gladly sacrifice your own comforts in exchange for the presence of the person you love.
Someone you can talk to in confidence, who understands you. Differences of opinion are soon sorted before they become something unsolvable, in other words, someone you can talk things out with, being able to open up is important in a relationship - and so many other things that will evolve during it together. Out of all this love will develop slowly, it isn't something to rush into, but sometimes you can just click with someone.
Sassychick420 · 31-35, F
@SW-User yes I agree with you
Love is selfless, love is kind, love doesn’t fear or envy, it’s God’s greatest gift for us
popmol · 26-30, M
someone i can be obsessed with my entire life. someone i want to support and help, who i want to have because their sheer presence brightens up my day.
Lovely 😊. Not much else I could add to this 🙌
Sassychick420 · 31-35, F
@SW-User thank you 😊
@Sassychick420 Welcome 🙏. I like your positivity 👏
Arantxa · 18-21, FVIP
Lilymoon · F
If he's willing to take a bullet for you that's love

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