If your 1st love comes back and says he wants to marry you and is all lovey dovey and promises he will talk to his parents on weekends and then next day he seems too cold what would you do then
Never trust inconsistent behaviour. There is always a reason; find out what it is. Ask him. And if the reason he gives doesn't make sound psychological sense, say so and disconnect. Don't hang on out of romantic or nostalgic wishes or it will only end in deep pain for you.
@Deadgirl Ah. Well if he spoke with his parents and then he is cold it's probably because they didn't jump up and down with joy and didn't give their support or he didn't speak with his parents because he is afraid of them and he is cold because he doesn't want to admit it. Neither scenario seems good to me.
@Deadgirl If you are considering marrying this person then yes. It's a big red flag in my opinion. Plus if you want to marry someone you need to be able to discuss any issues.
He had to ask his parents for permission to marry you??? Wtf??? If a man treated me like that I wouldn't talk to him ever again. He sounds like a childish selfish insecure needy self centered jerk. Be rid of him. Geez!!!