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Is there a woman who would be interested in dating me?

I am married but separated. My spouse is a serial cheater. My wife abused me physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have post traumatic stress disorder because of this. The constant lying and cheating created a cloud of distrust between us.

I am seeking a new, healthy, relationship.

I am friendly and outgoing. I am a middle aged man. I have one adult child. I am an entrepreneur. I am a musician. I am an artist. I am motivated. I am very kind and caring. I am supportive. I am funny. I love to cook. I love to listen to music. I love watching movies. I am fine with going outdoors or staying inside. I love cuddling. I love taking showers or baths together.

If you are interested in getting to know me more just send me a message.

Thank you.
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I am quite sure there are women who would be interested in dating you. Not me - I've retired from the wonderful world of dating.

If I may, I would suggest you NOT talk about your previous partner when getting to know a woman.

It's plain you haven't dealt with that and are not really ready to move on. Start there. Maybe with a divorce?
@Mamapolo2016 My thoughts exactly.
Punches · 46-50, F
the wonderful world of dating.

More of a mine field really
@Punches And a good time was had by all!
You have nothing to offer to "fix" someone else's life if yours is broken. Fix yourself inside.........then look outside of yourself.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
As someone with PTSD from family and relationship trauma. Get a divorce, start psychotherapy and fall back in love with yourself before you start looking to find a new partner.

Also avoid hats and sunglasses on selfies if you're going to online date. Daylight pictures that shows your eyes and smile. Good luck to you 🍀
Here's not a good place for that I think...
akindheart · 61-69, F
i mean this respectfully. Please get some counselling. It is hard to get into a relationship when you have such trauma.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Not a good idea!!!
Nope... You need to work on yourself first.

Take the time to get over this relationship failing and deal with your own baggage from that before you even start to think about moving on.

Virtually everything in the first part of your post is nothing but a solid red flag.

You mentioned that you don't trust your soon to be ex - what does that mean for your future relationship... will you be able to trust a new partner without resorting to abusive behaviour or not???
Imma pass, but thanks.
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@SW-User it’s nuts. he’s squeezed between the walls. lol
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4meAndyou · F
Dude...this is NOT a dating site. Try Plenty of Fish.
Get divorced. Then explore dating.
@JustGoneNow Well, yes. Who wants to date someone still attached? And he seems all about his ex. He needs to stay single. Explore his life. Date when the time is better. No one cares about his ex but him.
@PoetryNEmotion I agree 100%.
Freeranger · M
Seriously man, you are losing your sense of dignity here...don't do this shit.
Get yourself back together. You do realize that, there are two sides to every coin, and, regardless of this story, no one knows your full story, certainly not your marital history, so you are asking members to comment on something from your perspective.
You get that man? There are any number of people who will react based on face value stories but I would not be one of those.
I'm not calling you out by any means bud....but this type of tragedy is not one where, you take it to an open website because it merits far better answers from professionals with far more expertise.
Don't bring your pain here to this site's not the place for that. Deep breath, center yourself, and seek out either a family member who's counsel you value, or another professional.
I wish you the best in your endeavor.
Selah ·
Everyone here is mentally ill. Try
I’m the same age bracket as you I can’t be middle aged until I’m at least 40. 😮
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I made a mistake by doing the same thing you are listing here--you're still in the midst of the breakup. DON'T DO IT. Why not? Because some psycho will lay siege to you and you won't be able to fight her off. Don't make the same mistake I did, turned my life inside out and gave me psychotic moments from the stress. It's great that you want to get out there, again, but hold back a little longer, take care of #1, ain't no one else gonna do it for you.
Miram · 31-35, F
@uncalled4 I remember some of the things you shared about this. It did sound like it was very traumatizing for you. Horrible how some gravitate towards vulnerability and destructively feed on it.

It it important to remember that.

One has to take care of their safety.

Is it possible that they might meet someone who isn't like that? Yes but it is also possible they will end up being taken advantage of.

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