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How come? (unanswered)

How come we started out strong but faded away?
How come we didn’t say the necessary words?
How come we let the moment pass?
How come we stopped touching?
How come we walked away?
How come this still hurts?
sasanack · 61-69, M
if you look at the odds of having a long term happy relationship you probably would stop spinning your wheels trying to figure out why yours did nt work. women all react the same in a break up they have disect it in every detail, examine every emotion, question every part of their relationship until there is nothing left anyway. Talk about a waste of time almost as bad as the relationship that did nt work out . One day you will regret the time dedicated to a lost cause .I agree every one has to grieve but when you let it consume your life you got to give your head a shake get back on track start living again. All marriages end up either in divorce or death . 🤫
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
Such is life.... 😔😔😔
@PEACH4LIFE you’re right
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@SW-User we got this!
@PEACH4LIFE definitely, thank you. 🤗
How come I still ask?
Do you still ask?

If you do, how come?
TheFragile · 46-50, M
I've asked myself these questions.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Life takes people in different directions and if they were meant to stay together they would have done those things and stayed together
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
My best wishes. You both need to try harder.
I'm not Superman

You want it morning & night
I'm too young to die
@SW-User Sorry, I'm not Yankee

[image/video deleted]
@SW-User sweet! I love Aussie’s! ❤️
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