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I started a podcast.

I started a podcast and I’m not sure it’s going to be very good, but it has a strong meaning behind it. It’s all about networking and helping people find contacts in the music business. Not going to say the name of it because I try to keep myself strictly anonymous on here. The only 2 issues I’ve been running into are where to record so I have better sound (because I tried my closet and my internet crapped out twice), and getting people to be guests. I have contacts in the music business because I started in music when I was 10 playing the cello, and my contacts have contacts…the only problem is getting them when they have time in their schedules. I need to make this podcast regular if it’s going to succeed, because I want to help people by connecting them with the contacts they need. I believe it’s a great idea, but am scared that it won’t get the boost it needs. Any advice?
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
My wife is going to be starting her own podcast on automotive history in a while, it's an intensively researched scripted podcast so a different deal. I also am tryna set up a small studio space in my home.

So you need a real recording space if you want to do this. Acoustic panels aren't expensive but if you wanna get cheap or free or you can use egg cartons on the walls or even just hang clothes and sheets so you aren't hiding in your closet.

You also need a decent microphone (blue yetis are good and not crazy expensive) and then to spend some time on audacity editing to get the sound up to snuff.
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@CountScrofula Decent microphone-absolutely.
dubkebab · 56-60, M
Bravo. I think the main thing I advise is to have fun with it and set expectations on the low side to begin with,make notes to improve your approach and skills over the long run.Practice the tech so that it's not distracting from your creative focus and interaction with the guests.Practice your pacing,wit and dramatic inflections.Record it and listen back.Do vocal warmups and have tea/coughdrops/lemon honey water ready in case your voice starts to wear out.
If you are near a college or public access radio station,go over there and ask for tips,get to know some techies or volunteer-there's a wealth of experience and cool gear to get your hands on in those places.
Think of ways to engage your listeners and make it worth their time to stick with your unique podcast in a world with millions of entertainment choices. Put your fears aside.This is truly not overly difficult.
Good luck with the music business side of things,there are many greedy and selfish motives at work there.
Getting a decent microphone and a room that is acousticly dead are good. You can apply processing after recording to get it to sound the way you want. You can record interviews in advance and edit when you have time. It takes a long time to edit stuff down though. It's probably a good idea to start off with some interviews before you launch so that you have some in the can and have an idea of how long it takes you -so you can decide how often you release a new podcast.

Once you begin you will feel the pressure to keep the machine fed!
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
Thank you all for the kind advice and wishes. Very much appreciated! ❤️
carpediem · 61-69, M
Good luck 👍

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