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what is the cure for jealousy of others interactions

for example when i see men flirt with women or the other way around -offline and online i feel incredibly jealous about it, towards i think that should be happening to me? and i clench my teeth and feel like really getting my life i have never had a relationship because i have endured mental health problems throughout my adult life, never had a relationship at all......i had flings in my youth, but thats it.

so when i see these other people i feel like i have been personally denied and deprived of relationships and fun with women, and i think it is 'unfair' that ''that'' is happening to them, but not to me?

can anyone help with this?
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Mero313 · 41-45, F
Penny · 46-50, F
maybe instead of sitting around stewing in envy you could try emulating them and create some interactions for yourself?
swirlie · F
Sure! 🐄

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