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you know what’s hard? grieving someone you really didn’t know.. missing something you never really had..

my father was a POS, abused my mother & abandoned me at a young age but it was for the best truthfully. i was raised by my beautiful kindhearted momma & my incredible grandparents 🫶🏻
i reunited w my dad, when i was 17 years old.. i was so happy and we reconnected, it’s truly what i felt i needed! but i cut him off completely in 2023, after he made such ugly and racist comments toward my unborn baby. finding out he passed away feb 2024 was a huge shock… i look at my cousins dads and my friends dads, & wish i was able to experience it😕 i’m so jealous of what i never had.. i hate this feeling. but i do not regret cutting him out of my life because i will never allow ANYONE to make hurtful comments about my beautiful biracial baby 💘
though me and her father aren’t together, i am confident in the fact that kinsley will always have him in her corner. he’s an incredible daddy. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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InstructHer · 61-69, M
Shocking thing to do.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
Try not to let it eat you. No one needs any toxic relationships in their life. I knew better than to marry my second wife but did anyway. The longer it went on the more toxic emotionally and financially it became.
Be happy with what you have and make the best of it.
I don't know what to say, I do know somewhere while it will hurt, letting yourself feel these emotions and being true to yourself in letting yourself is healing. You are missing something, I think from your grief, but you will find a way to heal.
Disciplinarian · 61-69, M
Thanks for posting your story, so sorry about your father but sounds like you are on a wonderful path now and with your baby too!
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
I am sorry for the losses that you have felt, multiple times, in connection with your father.
Kypro · 51-55, M
Sometimes people are too bad to deal with whether it’s illness or childhood. Mine was ok til I was a teen then got sick and was out of my life for decades. It’s ok to be apart from someone who hurts you or can’t be human.
mainvane · 61-69, M
that is so complex...hopefully time will unravel any good from the bad

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