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Miram · 31-35, F
Knowing you, you probably did the homework but keep your cholesterol levels in check and in the lookout for any odd symptoms;kidney's, liver, gallbladder and blood pressure.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Miram I think we don't really have those issues unless we combine high carb and high fructose with a higher fat diet, I could be wrong though. I'm not a doctor but there's plenty of keto doctors who may have touched on that.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Are you still doing it? I just started keto and lost about 4 pounds so far in two days lol despite eating. I'm kind of part keto and part carnivore in the fact that I'm more carnivore than not these days. The only downside is that I had some low carbish chocolate that had cane sugar in it and after not having anything like that, it made me sick so I learned my lesson. Apparently you get ultra sensitive if you try anything else after lol.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@SatanBurger I'm not, it was good for a bit but I think the benefits were mostly just not eating sugar. I'm working out, training and working so I need to eat a lot and carbs are important so I'm doing what works for me rn. Sticking to complex carbs mostly.
Glad to hear it 😎 yeah you realise how toxic sugar is once you don't consume it for a while.
Atm I'm having super greens shakes and it feels good.
Glad to hear it 😎 yeah you realise how toxic sugar is once you don't consume it for a while.
Atm I'm having super greens shakes and it feels good.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Ryannnnnn Ah I go boxing but keto is doing fine for me. I supplement with an electrolyte supplement that has 1000 mg of potassium in it so it's actually nice energy boost. I'm glad the complex carbs are working for you.