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Word Bondage

When you feel, thoughts swirl, but the words and inspiration refuse to freely unravel and submit themselves. Is it lost or just stuck? It's beyond frustration!
Lilymoon · F
Love me some wordy words. 😛
SmoothKnight · 51-55, M

My tongue is in a knot now 😂
Magenta · F
@SmoothKnight Or maybe it was merely a slip of the tongue.
SmoothKnight · 51-55, M
@Magenta may be on to something...
bowman81 · M
Its just part of the human condition.
Magenta · F
@bowman81 😌
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
So accurate. Wow. Beautiful poetry.
Magenta · F
@ChampagneOnIce Tisn't it though, and so creative. Thought you could also relate to this. 💟
Coppercoil · M
Ohhhhh.. i get this. Thats pretty much right now for me. Also feels like some kind of bottleneck.. only way out of me is through a narrow passage where my mind tries converts reality into symbols.
Magenta · F
@Coppercoil Aw hmm. Oh but I love your writings when you are unbonded. ;-)

I find that if I disconnect from everyone and all the noise of life, go into nature or even on my bike, it sometimes frees it from within me.
akindheart · 61-69, F
take a deep breath and focus on something else. inspiration comes when it needs to (and don't listen to my lovely friend smoothknight) those are tough words
Magenta · F
@akindheart It's a beautiful thing when it flows freely from our core. Thank you.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Magenta absolutely!!
Dino11 · M
And they can be used again and again, and shared, with other repetitive
desires of your life. ❤️
Magenta · F
@Dino11 Delete repetitive and insert consistent. ❤️
Dino11 · M
@Magenta Absolutely
Pfuzylogic · M
When there is hope, the words appear from their hiding place.
Pfuzylogic · M
@Magenta Honestly if i have a vision then writing is no effort. The work doesn’t even solicit a muse..
Magenta · F
@Pfuzylogic Oh I get that.
But I have to "feel" what I write or even experience it. Just to write words for the sake of it, is empty for me.
Pfuzylogic · M
@MagentaPersonally, I don’t consider feel and muse to be synonymous. A romantic soul i could find bound by dissonant emotions.
Very delightful delectable and deliciously twisted ☺️
Magenta · F
@SW-User Heheh. Perfecto. I like a good twist. ;-)
😏. I’m on my way 🕺

CCMorgan · 51-55, M

Words can create worlds
In which you feel, dream, and see
Yet words escape me
Magenta · F
@CCMorgan Oooh wonderful share! Quite the interesting photo as well.
TexChik · F
I feel I may have been violated as I read that ! 😉🤭
Magenta · F
@TexChik Hah! There's no violation when one is willing. ;-)
TexChik · F
@Magenta 😌
JustNik · 51-55, F
Well that’s nicely put. I just say it irritates the bejesus outta me. 😂😂
Magenta · F
@JustNik Haha! Right?! Grrr. 😈 😄
SmoothKnight · 51-55, M
Time to be a vocabulary dom.....
Magenta · F
@SmoothKnight Untie the knots.
SmoothKnight · 51-55, M

*Unties the knots*
Words of love know no bounds.
Magenta · F
@Experienced33 And action is the ultimate boundless.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
To be subdued and taken
Magenta · F
@antonioioio And to be set free in the taking.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
I love this
Magenta · F
@GJOFJ3 Ditto. Now if only my muse loved enough to spark my creativity fire. ⚡
I liked it 😊😁
Magenta · F
@Reflection2 Mmhm, such creativity.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Idk words are just words... I think it's more about who we say what to, rather than the words themselves
Magenta · F
@MartinTheFirst Of course, always. They must have meaning & substance.
Mmmhmm 😌
Magenta · F
@SW-User 😊 💐

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