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To Candy my sweetest of friends

To Candy my sweetest of friends

I tried to wake my soul this morning
But nothing seemed to light
My thoughts were on you Candy
All throughout the night

If a star is nothing but
a single point of light
In the vast and endless night
You are that light in my life

You are the pill I take
When the world just won't go away
You fill my days with honey
It is never sunny when you're away

Your laughter it is heaven sent
Your heart is that of the purest gold
Your hair is redder than the rarest red rose
Your personality is effervescence

You bring me warmth on the coldest bitter days
And even when we are old and grey and
Our lives have carried us far and away
From each other
and I no longer get to cherish you

This is what I'm going to do
I'm going to get in my car and travel
No matter how far to this place
And I'm going to awaken my soul
With the memory of your sweet face

Or we can just snapchat or whatever
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SW-User Best Comment
Lostpoet · M
@SW-User 🤜🤛My Brother do you know how much I love iggy pop. 🍻

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Candy your new Love?? 🙄
Lostpoet · M
@littlepuppywantanewlife Get to see you back on again, tho.
@Lostpoet it's ok. I don't expectations of you writing me on phone. 😂
@Lostpoet I came because a friend wanted me to come back here. Otherwise I wouldn't have come
LadyJ · F
Beautiful poem
Lostpoet · M
@LadyJ 😁TY Ladyj🦸‍♀️
LadyJ · F
@Lostpoet you're welcome 🦸😎
Collegegirl23 · 31-35, F
Great poem well done
Lostpoet · M
@Collegegirl23 🙂Thank you
BalmyNites · F
Lovely words 🤗💕
I thought her name was Lissa 😆
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Is that her new name now. 🙂
Lostpoet · M
@Zonuss only in the bedroom 🤷🏼‍♂️she calls me daddy
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Zonuss · 46-50, M
@SW-User Ahhhhh. I see. 🙂
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Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
@Lostpoet @ExperienceDLT Where’s the confusion, boys.
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Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
@Lostpoet Because she does!

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