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Things That Make You Go Ummmm

How come everyone is so worried about USA southern border, but not about the northern border.

Two border guards

Two border guards are doing their final patrol of the night along the US-Canadian border. Half an hour before their shift is up, they hear some rustling along the path. They rush forward to check it out only to find a man who has committed suicide by hanging himself.

"Crap, the paperwork on this will take hours, my wife will be furious!"

"I know Jack. Say ... I have an idea ..."

And so, the border guards take the man down, carry him a hundred yards and leave him hanging, just across the Canadian border. As their shift is up, they go home. Shortly thereafter, two Canadian border guards, also on their last patrol come across the body, one turns to the other and sais:

"Merde Guy, the Americans brought him back!"
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Oh, Canada!


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