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I'm setting up my proofreading and copy-editing website, and I need a snappy domain name. Any suggestions?

Serious ones please, I have to try and seem professional 😁

Thank you
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I am going to set up an online thesaurus.

I will call it, "Similar Words."
Illyria · M
@JoyfulSilence Hehe nice
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Illyria · M
@windinhishair Oooh I like it :)
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Illyria I'm very sensitive to accurate reports. I've seen reports with the client's name spelled incorrectly, with four or five typographic errors in the first paragraph or two, use of different fonts and spacing that is very obvious, etc. When the work looks sloppy, it calls into question the accuracy of the reporting.
Illyria · M
@windinhishair That's what I do :) So many tiny errors which, if corrected, make reports, or any documents, infinitely more readable :)
ArtieKat · M
I'm going to register all the best domain names - and hope to sell them back to you lol 😂🤣😸

Illyria · M
@ArtieKat meanie 😜
ArtieKat · M
@Illyria I have been trying to think, but nothing snappy has come so far....
Sapio · 51-55, M
Illyria · M
@Sapio Nice, thank you! :)
Sapio · 51-55, M
@Illyria you're welcome!🙂
Ynotisay · M
Blue Pencilz
Illyria · M
@Ynotisay ScribeEyes is a good one!
Unlearn · 41-45, M
Illyria · M
@Unlearn Good one!
Royrogers · 61-69, M
Readright ?
Illyria · M
@Royrogers good one!
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Make a list, and then see what is available. Most common names are taken, or being held for ransom, but you can often add a word to one to make it unique and find it available. Short and memorable, and .com if you can.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@JamesBugman Yes. For example, I was going to suggest the Grammar Police, but it's already taken. There's literally a website out there called thegrammarpolice.com.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Illyria · M
@LordShadowfire I like it, thank you :)

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