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The Ark - A Short Sci Fi Story

***This is one of my short stories from a few years ago. I hope you enjoy!***

Accessing translation protocols and interfacing…:

Accessing ship logs for “Project Ark”...:

\\> 6 logs available for Project Leader N. Carver…

Accessing log #1 [Stardate REDACTED]:

Reporting successful arrival to PHP13 (Potentially Habitable Planet). Cursory scans have confirmed previous atmospheric probe surveys and we have identified both the presence of water and necessary elements for supporting life as we understand it.

Ok, this report is getting too dry for my taste so let me just put this next part plainly - WE FOUND LIFE. Upon arrival, my colleague M. Taylor followed standard procedure by launching an orbital scanning probe. Immediately, it picked up on a multitude of life forms. Cataloging below but of course not limited to:

A vastly diverse flora

Scaled creatures both two and four legged of varying sizes

Furred creatures both two and four legged of varying sizes

So far, we have not noticed any signs of civilization.

I would consider Phase 1 of the Project a resounding success.

Accessing log #2 [Stardate REDACTED]:

Phase 2 of the Ark Project is complete. After our normal sleep and eat cycle, we prepped the Ark for landing at the recommended coordinates by colleague J. Nephilim. Taylor manned sensors with Nephilim while Akim guided us down. We successfully landed in what appears to be a lush field and so far the fauna has stayed a considerable distance.

After a few more scans, I authorized deployment for a short recon of the immediate area. Taylor continued to monitor sensors while Nephilim, Jones, Akim, and myself suited up. Our atmospheric sensors confirmed breathability and since I’m project leader, I was the first to breathe this planet’s air. Quite refreshing! In all my cycles I have never breathed quality air so… pure.

Currently Akim is going through routine maintenance checks and minor repairs while Jones and Nephilim set up the parameter sensor grid. Should be able to sleep soundly knowing that our AI will know if anything gets too close. Also, I have authorized Taylor to collect soil and small life samples before we start our sleep cycles.

Phase two complete. I am hoping that Phase 3 goes just as smoothly.

Accessing log #3 [Stardate REDACTED]:

Oh wow oh wow oh wow! I’m sorry, not the most formal update but I assure you it is worth the informality! Today, we have discovered sentient life. Oh wow, that sounds so surreal to say and write… I will start at the beginning.

Towards the end of our sleep cycle, the parameter alarm started to sound. Shortly after, our AI notified us of multiple life forms heading towards the Ark from a forest a short distance away. I geared up and joined Taylor at sensors. To our astonishment, what appeared to be a small herd of bipedal hairy animals was moving directly towards us in what appeared to be intent. As per protocol, we raised our barrier shield and initiated low tier hostile precautions.

After a short while, we could make out the details of their species in better detail and to our astonishment what we perceived as fur at first was actually the skins of other animals worn around their bodies. Also, they wielded weapons (primitive stones attached to plant limbs) and also carried other various implements of intentional design. We were honestly surprised because we thought for sure we would have picked up any sort of civilization on our scanners.

It took some time for the creatures to reach our barrier because multiple times they would drop down to all four limbs and face the ground for a while before approaching. Curious behavior indeed but curiouser still is how similar to our own species they appear. Nephilim is simply ecstatic at the arrival of these species but I am going to continue barrier protocols for now.

Sidenote: One of the group of creatures has reached our barrier and as expected it repelled him to the ground. Immediately the rest of the group has dropped down onto all four limbs and is facing the ground with their faces. Nephilim is pointing out that this may be some sort of religious like behavior. AI has also pinged a language recognition and is currently analyzing for possible translation. If indeed these creatures are smart enough to have a robust language and reasoning then this will be the first documented recording of finding sentient life on a planet that is not our own. Oh yeah, the same creature that hit our barrier before is now throwing small rocks at it and appears to be communicating to the others. Going to end the report and join the rest in observation.

Accessing log #4 [Stardate REDACTED]:

I have successfully initiated first contact with another sentient species. The AI after 1 cycle had completed a serviceable translation routine and our visitors in less than a cycle had set up (to the never ending amusement of Taylor and Nephilim) a rudimentary village of sorts. Upon the light cycle of PHP13, I stepped out of the Ark (with Nephilim and Akim) and approached our visitors. Almost immediately the group of them dropped to their four limbs with faces downward to the ground. I activated the translation protocol and greeted them (as per protocol) with my name, our great civilizations name on which we represent, and our intended purpose. Our “barrier” friend as we have come to refer to him, stood up and immediately I could tell that indeed they have an uncanny appearance to us indeed! I signaled Taylor to lower the barrier and stepped towards our barrier friend with our signature greeting of palms pressed together. Immediately it copied our gesture and then replied with it’s own name and the name of it’s people, Ellah of the Ahdumites. Shortly afterwards I invited it with two others of its choosing aboard our ship so that we could convey our intent and gauge the hostility level / level of cooperation of this species. I will update this log with any learned information.

Cursory anatomical differences are as follows:

5 digits at the end of their “arms” instead of 4

Skin of light brown hue instead of grey

Fur in limited areas of their body and face as opposed to our none

Smaller heads but wider jaws

Overall wider and taller bodies

Cultural overview:

Nomadic tribe of hunter/gatherers called Ahdumites in reference to the first of their male kind named Ahdume.

Religiously mono-theistic.

Has a one leader structure for overall guidance and small family structure based off of parent/child lineage.


I do believe I have successfully conveyed to Ellah and his two companions of the intent of our Phase 3 plans. He has agreed to not only allow us to gather a variety of species into the Ark but has also agreed to have his tribe assist us in this endeavor. He has since rejoined his tribe to share with them and our team is meeting soon to draw up plans for the successful process of finishing Phase 3.

Only one thing bothers me; Ellah wouldn’t stop referring to me as an “Angel of God.”

Accessing log #5 [Stardate REDACTED]:

Nephilim and Taylor have abandoned the project and are now outside of short range sensors. Worse still, I have an angry mob of Caynites attacking the Ark barrier while an EMP storm is draining our power supply. Akim says we can hold out for a little while but if the water flooding doesn’t knock the Ark out, then the constant drain on our barrier will. I am trying my best to assure Ellah that we will be fine and trying to raise Nephilim or Taylor on the communication array. No answer still and time is running out.

Accessing log #6 [Stardate REDACTED]:

This will be my last report as Project Leader of the Ark. Nephilim and Taylor are presumed dead after abandoning the project to join the Caynites. Their reasons can be best summed up as an affection for the females of said tribe and their tendency to treat them as “gods”. I don’t honestly know why they let that sentiment get to their heads and it is very disappointing. Furthermore, they refused to board the ship when the first signs of the EMP storm showed up on scanners. They knew we couldn’t support anymore lifeforms on the ship and launch back into orbit… not that it matters much anyways.

I ordered Akim to launch the Ark with the lifeforms we had gathered and Ellah’s small group. Unfortunately the EMP bursts drained too much power and we were forced to hard land the Ark on top of a nearby mountain. Best we can tell, this whole region is currently under meters of water and while the EMP bursts have stopped, the flooding has not. Akim informed me that the first of the EMP bursts knocked out our orbiting sensor and communications probes so I am sending this log via radio frequencies. Best I can tell, this probably won’t reach you for thousands of years. Thankfully we only had minor casualties among Ellah’s tribe but Ellah himself did not make it. It’s a testament to his group that they are holding themselves together quite well in spite of all they have been witness to these last few cycles.

The current contingency plan for survival of Project Ark is as follows:

Upon recession of flooding, use Taylor’s seed/soil samples to nurture a stable food source for both us and our gathered species.

Work with Ellah’s tribe to identify other food sources among the gathered species.

Research genetic viability between our species for genetic survival.

Akim is working on making our lab mobile and possibly launching a distress beacon.

After we have created a viable outpost; create back-ups of research data and put the Ark into stasis for future use and/or recovery.


This is a very unfortunate turn of events. I miss my family back home and wish them all well.

Please do not mourn for me, for I regret not. In finding life, we have succeeded astonishingly so.

Hopefully some cycle soon my ancestors can come to this planet whom the Ahdumites call “Earth.”

This is Noah, signing off.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Oh nice! Halfway through I had an inkling but like the twist. You should do this with other stories as well!

Writing kept me captured👍
Samek · 36-40, M
@Longpatrol I tried a couple times but no dice. It's a saturated market. If I write enough I may self publish a bunch of my short stuff on Amazon or something.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
@Samek yeah that might be a way to go. If you want to generate buzz you could try Tumblr/FictionPress/Archive of Our Own and link it to your socials
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
They're free story sites but they have quite a few users who are pretty passionate about fiction
I enjoyed that one!

Hey! Is this why a line forming at the bar? You're writing? Ok, I'll allow
Samek · 36-40, M
@Bexsy My ever gracious host, thank you!
Belleinboots · 61-69, F
Enjoyable read, thanks for sharing,

Samek · 36-40, M
@Belleinboots I'm glad you enjoyed. :)
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
@Samek I absolutely love it❤

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