ArishMell · 70-79, M
Almost certainly, for books anyway.
After some dip in sales with the introduction of instruments like the Kindle, and various sooth-sayers saying the days of the printed publication are numbered, book sales are as strong as ever.
Apart from any emotional attachment to them books do have certain advantages over electronic media, especially ready portability, ready reference, easy use, and longevity. A book might have gone out of print decades ago but copies will still be readable long after that lot in Silicon Valley have made their Very Latest monopolistic software totally unusable!
Book shops, maybe less certainly as retailers of all kinds suffer ever more from high overheads, rapacious shop-chains, building developments inimical to town-centre shops, and of course the massive drive by a few giant US-based companies to take as much retail trade as possible while being unlikely to offer much real choice or to support new and independent producers.
After some dip in sales with the introduction of instruments like the Kindle, and various sooth-sayers saying the days of the printed publication are numbered, book sales are as strong as ever.
Apart from any emotional attachment to them books do have certain advantages over electronic media, especially ready portability, ready reference, easy use, and longevity. A book might have gone out of print decades ago but copies will still be readable long after that lot in Silicon Valley have made their Very Latest monopolistic software totally unusable!
Book shops, maybe less certainly as retailers of all kinds suffer ever more from high overheads, rapacious shop-chains, building developments inimical to town-centre shops, and of course the massive drive by a few giant US-based companies to take as much retail trade as possible while being unlikely to offer much real choice or to support new and independent producers.
I used to haunt book shops many years ago but no more.
Whodunnit · M
Yes. Books have a sensory quality that the digital/electronic medium cannot replicate.
Besides... they don't need charging either 😁
Besides... they don't need charging either 😁
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Like asking will antique stores will ever stop existing.
Of course they will be around. Possibly for the next hundred years.
Of course they will be around. Possibly for the next hundred years.
checkoutanytime · M
Most of the bookstores that were once staples of the community are now gone, in my area already.
Funkyfreakshow · 31-35, M
I see a lot of brick and mortar stores going away in the next 10 years. Its really sad
jimjim1969 · M
Times change. Unfortunately, most will be gone
If any, only with QR codes.
SethGreene531 · M
I hope so, I love them -- especially the old ones.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Yes I think so
Highskirt · 56-60, M
No .every dam thing is on line .my wife is old school she has the basic call and text only phone .the Internet has taken over
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
No there will be more options on devices and I believe tvs will have consoles combined with them not all tvs but most tvs
caesar7 · 61-69, M
I hope so.....corporations won't but small businesses will.
empanadas · 31-35, M
Why are your posts blowing up my feed