How do you deal with lonelinessI don't know how to make friends. I don't know how to deal with loneliness.. any tips?
You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time withDo you agree with this?... why??, why not??
What do you like about yourself?I like that I'm energetic and work really hard. I like that I can push myself beyond limits. What about you 😬😬??
What are your insecuritiesAnd how do you let them not affect you??. My insecurities are my poor social skills. I feel like I'll never have friends nor be in relationship. But I don't know how to overcome my insecurities. Just wondered how you guys do it.
have you created set of rules/guidelines to follow??share please :) here are mines: >take care of your body now, it will take care of you later..... >keep it on the low, no one needs to know...... >the world begins to care more when you care less
Write the happiest story you can using only 4 wordse.g The food was free!!... He said likes me back.... my mum is here...
How far are you from the person you wana be?I wish I wasn't people pleaser. Sometimes I hold back incase I offend someone.
list the simple joys in lifethis is my list so far> holding baby's finger, drinking hot chocolate, hugging loved ones, taking planes, eating food, falling asleep instantly,