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more men mormon more men mormon

i remember this from mutual or girls camp lol

more men WOO

happy international womens day~

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last time i made a post about being exmo someone tried to justify child marriage in my comment section, called me dumb, then blocked me. so hopefully this goes better 🙂‍↕
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JRVanguard · 26-30, M Best Comment
Child marriage is gross and you are smart
Frostcloud · F
@JRVanguard ily c:
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@Frostcloud ily2🤗
Thank you for BC
Enjoy your day😌💙

Frostcloud · F
@Nightwings so growing up i attended the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints. also called "mormons", however, they recently have started branding away from the name mormon. i left when i was 18 because.. the diversity in the church and treatment of women is... outdated. also, joseph smith, the founder of the lds church, had 40 something wives. and several of those wives were children

we didn't sing thing in sunday church. but on wednesdays girls under 18 would assemble with a few teachers for mutual, and once a year would go camping together for girls camp. sometimes we sang this song

more men! mormon! more men! mormon! more men!
i know a mormon boy,
he is my pride and joy!
he knows most everything from alma on down (woo!)
someday i’ll be his wife!
we’ll have eternal life!
oh how i love my mormon boy
m-o-r-e m-e-n

this is more of the song in the image
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Frostcloud · F
@Nightwings my guess is you watched a fundamentalist latter day saint documentary! they're flds, whereas i grew up lds. the difference is that lds became more modern with society (although they're still outdated). flds people still practice polygam, but, supposedly, within the last few years stopped practicing child marriage. i'm not certain what's going on there. i would like to know the documentary though :)

i watched a show about women who escaped flds helping other women and girls escape as well (occasionally young men and boys) and, i think it was from this show, but a woman was dying of cancer i believe. but they refused to let her seek treatment and decided to treat her themselves. i think this story was told by the son who left after this event but he said that she eventually started to vomit black liquid. and the men treating her said it was her body purging the evil which was making her sick.. but she died soon after. he has since learned she was vomitting blood. it's so heartbreaking

lds people seek medical treatment. they don't talk about joseph smith marrying several children and act like that, and other issues, were never involved in the church. but with that they don't practice polygamy or child marriadge so there's that ig.

fortunately my mom was never lds so when i turned 18 i stopped going with my dad to church and my dad still talks to me. some families ex communicate but i've been lucky to not see that happen to myself or others, i'm not sure how much it's practiced. and since my mom wouldn't let my dad baptize me, i never went to the temple, so i missed out on baptisms for the dead and other deeper mormon things

the only thing i can think of when you mention young adults leaving mormon society is when young men (women too but men are more expected to) go on missions. but they do that to try to convert other people, rather than leaving mormonism
YoMomma ·
Maybe i'm glad i didn't go to camp after all..
HumanEarth · F
Would you be should shocked if I told you that I heard something similar to this centuries ago.

You make it fun though
Frostcloud · F
@HumanEarth lol im not surprised
HumanEarth · F
Lets make a vinyl recording of this and sell at Walmart. We will make you a star. You won't have to work for a day
Nightwings · 31-35, F
What is this about? I don't understand most of what she's singing. =3
Frostcloud · F
@Nightwings oop i accidentally responded as a whole separate comment but i tagged you in it c:
It's so silly, that it made my giggle

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