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The Scourge of Central Bank Digital Currencies(CBDCs)
Milan Adams Uncategorized November 18, 2022 4 Minutes
[Will a supranational digital currency replace the US dollar ahead?
Will paper currencies disappear in the US/West and elsewhere?
Dollar debasement is a step toward resetting the monetary system.
It’s been in the works for years.
If implemented, ruling regimes will have knowledge about and be able to control monetary transactions.
At their discretion, they’ll be able to block targeted individuals or groups from making them.
They’ll be able to impose onerous fees and negative interest rates to tax savings.
They could ration or otherwise restrict purchases.
They could confiscate savings with a computer keyboard click.
According to house of Rothschild founder long ago, Amschel Rothschild:
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”
The most shockingvideocan be found below.
Liberal’s hidden agenda: more than just your guns…
… the impending collapse of the US food supply system
will steal the food from your kids’ tables…
Watch this videobelow to find out the great secrets hidden by the government.

Former Bank of England director, Josiah Stamp, once said:
“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin.”
“(B)ankers own the earth.”
“Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again.”
“However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in.”
“But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create (and control) money.”
And this reality check from historian Carroll Quigley in his book, titled “Tragedy and Hope,” explaining:
“(T)he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”
The US Federal Reserve isn’t federal and has no reserves.
It’s owned and controlled by JP Morgan Chase, B of A, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and other banking giants.
CBDCs are a despot’s dream.
Along with nuclear war, pestilence and famine, they’ll threaten the lives, rights and survival of millions and billions of people where the scourge is implemented.
What little remains of greatly eroded freedoms will disappear.
Yet their implementation ahead looks virtually certain.
It’ll be sold to the unsuspecting public by well-planned, MSM-supported, mass deception — similar to how most people were mind-manipulated to self-inflict irreparable harm from kill shots and all else flu/covid.
When pushed hard enough with MSM support, most people believe almost anything — no matter how often they were fooled before.
Yet along with all things flu/covid, CBDCs will be another mother of all state-sponsored scams — the greatest financial scam of all time.
Greater social control will be instituted.
The great wealth transfer from most people to the privileged few will accelerate.
On Tuesday, Reuters reported the following:
“Global banking giants are starting a 12-week digital dollar pilot with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York” — the dominant one as the nation’s largest.
“Citigroup, HSBC Holdings, Mastercard and Wells Fargo are among the financial companies participating in the ‘experiment’ alongside the New York Fed’s (so-called) innovation center.”
What’s going on has nothing to do with “speeding up settlement time in currency markets” as NY Fed official, Michelle Neal, falsely claimed.
It’s all about what’s explained above.
The so-called 12-week test is cover for what’s planned — digitizing the dollar ahead.
Some congressional members oppose the scheme — too few to stop the diabolical scheme.
On September 29, GOP Senator James Lankford introduced the No Digital Dollar Act.
It prohibits the US Treasury and Federal Reserve from interfering with the ability of Americans to use paper currency if a digital version is adopted.
According to Lankford:
“Oklahomans have expressed to me their concern that the Treasury could phase out paper money and transition to a digital dollar.”
“While some Oklahomans are open to digital currencies, many still prefer hard currency or at least the option of” using it.
“There is no reason we can’t continue to have paper and digital money in our nation and allow the American people to decide how to carry and spend their own money.”
“Americans should not have to worry about every transaction in their financial life being tracked or their money being deleted.”
“There is currently no federal statute that prohibits the Treasury from only having a digital currency.”
Unlike bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, “CBDCs are issued and backed by the government.”
If they replace the dollar and other paper currencies, what’ll follow will exceed the worst of what Orwell and Huxley imagined.
“Digital money is the ultimate power of tyranny,” Paul Craig Roberts explained.
Its aim is total control over our lives.
Without paper currency to use as we wish, financial sovereignty is lost, along with what little remains of an open, free and fair society.
It’s coming because resistance against what no one should accept is lacking — and with it, the worst of all possible worlds.
On December 6th President Trump’s words shook the world.
For the first time in over 2000 years, Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel.
Whether he knows it or not,President Trump fulfilled his part in a frightening biblical prophecy exactly as the scriptures predicted.
Only the top church leaders andBible scholars know the real meaning behind this great and terrible moment, yet no one is saying a thing about it…
So pay chose attention becausethis video will change your life forever for the good!]


The choice is simple: Use cash or relinquish all of your privacy and freedom to globalist leftists, these demonic entities will soon control every aspect of your life. Convenience,debt and technocracy equal enslavement.


From Covid to CBDC: The Path to Full Control

[It’s seemed evident for a while that the current fiat monetary system is, at best, unstable. At worst, it’s a Ponzi scheme whose time has expired. If that’s the case, I suspect the central bankers and 0.1% know this and might be prepared to usher in the new system before the old one collapses on itself – even as they loot it on the way down with the most significant wealth transfer in human history.
To anyone who pays attention to these trends, it seems evident that Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will be that new system.
Every indication is that CBDC’s arrival is imminent. Yesterday, several global banks announced a partnership with the NY Federal Reserve to pilot digital dollars. Given the ubiquity of credit/debit cards, payment apps, and other online payment systems, digital money has been bound to happen for some time. The risk isn’t the electronic part, that’s inevitable – it’s the fact that a central bank will oversee the digital currency.
From my vantage point, it’s impossible to overstate the risk presented by CBDC. Whether it’s a utopian vision based on good intentions or a sinister plot to crush our sovereignty, the result may be the same: control. A Central Bank Digital Currency has all the downsides of fiat money, plus the added layers of surveillance and programmability overseen by the state.
So many people on Team Reality have likely felt like dissidents over the last few years simply for challenging anything beyond the herd mentality. Asking questions or speaking against the narrative about topics including the likely origins of the covid virus, usefulness of PCR, risk to most of the population, benefits of early treatment, advantages of natural immunity, safety and efficacy of vaccines, pros and cons of masks/lockdowns, and the utility of vax passports created an environment where people were stigmatized, alienated or outright censored. Imagine a monetary system with features baked in to socially engineer how we live. For example:
* Health: “You didn’t take your booster… sorry, you’re not allowed in public spaces.”
* Energy: “You used your energy allotment this month… sorry, your electric car won’t start.”
* Food: “You ate too much meat this week… sorry, your money is only good for plants (or bugs).”
* Savings: “If you don’t take your rations soon… sorry, your money will expire at the end of the month.”
* Free Speech: “You shared info that we disagree with… sorry, our algorithm is fining you.” (PayPal has already started doing this)
If CBDC ultimately becomes the new monetary system, its core features will make it so that world governments will no longer need something like a global health crisis to print money or close society. Lines of code can shape our behavior and ensure we’re forced to stay home. The entire platform will be designed to expel labor that is no longer deemed necessary. While I initially believed the state-led pharmacological interventions were an isolated, acute threat in this era, it’s become evident they were simply one tentacle in a much larger beast. Whatever forces are insinuating this direction on the world (looking your way, Davos), it’s revealed itself to be unrelenting in its pursuit of perpetuating fear and power.
I’m well aware that this must sound insane, especially to anyone that hasn’t paid attention to this trend for a while. A few years ago, I would have thought it was preposterous, but after witnessing the government’s lies, deception, and grab for control, I’ve become fearful that this may be where we’re headed.
When you consider that vaccine mandates had no medically justifiable purpose, it’s entirely plausible that they were simply an onramp to normalize a “papers please” society. In NYC, where I lived until recently, most people accepted vaxports and loved the Excelsior Pass mobile app because it was convenient. How many will feel the same about digital money, which will undoubtedly come with its share of benefits?
Central Bank Digital Currency will enable governments to impose top-down control, a la the Chinese Social Credit Score. Some central bankers are even saying the quiet part out loud. Whether or not this is the program’s objective, has there ever been a time in history when governments rejected the power they are given? At this stage, this isn’t some tinfoil hat theorizing, either. There are many examples of how this type of finance-driven coercion is already underway.
* “Now the government is asking people to apply for plastic My Number cards equipped with microchips and photos, to be linked to driver’s licenses and the public health insurance plans. Health insurance cards now in use, which lack photos, will be discontinued in late 2024. People will be required to use My Number cards instead.”
* “The new pass will guarantee the allocation of fuel quota on weekly basis. A QR code will be given for each National Identity Card number (NIC), once the vehicle identification number and other details are verified.”
* “According to a report from 9News Queensland, the department has ruled that unvaccinated teachers who have been allowed to return to their employment this term after being placed on leave without pay, will cop yet another financial blow, with a “reduction in remuneration” for a period of 18 weeks.”
* “The trial, which is voluntary, will use facial recognition to identify people and how many tickets they have. The technology could be extended to cover automated purchases at concession stands, restaurants, and bars.”
* “As part of plans recently announced by the Government, Uganda will begin harvesting DNA and biometric data from its citizens when their cards expire in 2024 to be used in its redesigned digital identity program.”
This is just the tip of the iceberg, and it’s global. As we saw with the lockdowns, China is the model emulated in the West. Like the creep towards health-related authoritarian measures, unelected globalists with financial interests lurk in the background.
I’d love to be wrong about all this. However, until there is evidence, we need to be suspicious of anyone perpetuating this dangerous path, regardless of their motivations.
For a deeper dive into this topic, I highly recommend this essay by Fabio Vighi about Long Covid Monetary Policy. Edward Dowd has also spoken extensively about the relationship between the monetary system and covid, including at this eye-opening presentation. Next, the excellent Maajid Nawaz has covered the drivers behind CBDC. Others, such as Marty Bent, Saifedean Ammous, and Allen Farrington, have been ahead of the curve in identifying these risks. I share their assessment in realizing that Bitcoin likely solves this.
If you have yet to notice, a primary theme of the last three-plus years (at least) is “freedom vs. control” so it’s not hyperbole to suggest that the future must be decentralized if we want to ensure our children grow up in a free world.]


There is no doubt what these leftist technocrats are up to encompasses pure evil. Their thirst for power and control over humanity and their personal insecurity as human beings has lead us all to the darkest period in human history. A place where US citizens become like monitored lab rats under the full control of the leftist elite and their communist puppets within a soon to be world government/digital dictatorship. A time and place where freedoms, personal privacy and the US middle class cease to exist. An Orwellian nightmare where critical thinking and logic are scorned upon and where leftist indoctrination is embraced. We are getting close to a full blown communist police state here in the USA. Mainly thanks to the low IQ convenience drones who think nothing about this nightmare about to come to fruition. We now exist within a society which freely chooses to be enslaved by convenience rather than fight for the truth and our individual liberty/freedom and privacy.

Covid was used and continues to be used to increase government power and decrease freedom and privacy within the citizenry. It was the first test run by government to see how far fear could be used as a weapon in getting the convenience drones to comply and acquiesce to leftist tyranny. It has opened up a pandora's box where government becomes the new religion and the ultimate controller of everything human beings do in life

We no longer enjoy the freedom to express our opinions and views within American society without the fear of being punished/reprimanded by an evil tyrannical leftist government. Sadly today in America many of the alphabet federal agencies and members of the mainstream media consider anybody who is a conservative a criminal and or enemy of the state.

We have gotten to this point in history because most people are clueless to the fact that their country has been sold out to the CCP and the WEF. Demonic entities all being run by leftist technocrats who desire and seek to depopulate most of humanity, based upon how people think and choose to live. Choosing freedom is repulsive to these satanic technocrats, they believe in conformity and a world where everybody "thinks" alike and where freedom of speech becomes a distant memory.

It's getting real sick out there and most people are embracing this vile technocracy rather than confronting the evil within it. Society today resembles ancient Rome on steroids and the time of Noah and the flood. God needs to flush the world of evil every once in awhile, we are approaching the apex of evil today. The passivity and acceptance of evil is currently destroying the human race.

Most of us are enabling a radical group of the most vile people on earth control the agenda being set forth today. Most people fail to realize they are contributing to and also funding their own demise.

Every person alive should realize what is at stake right now. Ignoring this evil situation and or calling it a great conspiracy theory is just plain ignorance. The evidence is overwhelming, continuing to ignore reality will eventually lead many people down the path of self destruction.

A price has been paid by many before us to remain free, relinquishing this freedom so easily is the greatest crime a person can commit today.


"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
-Ronald Reagan-
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke-
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer-
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.' "
-St. Anthony the Great-
"To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That’s what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul – would you understand why that’s much harder?"
-Ayn Rand-
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin-
“A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right, and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority.”
-Booker T. Washington-
“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
-George Orwell-
"The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”
-St. Augustine-
“The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”
-John Stuart Mill-
"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor."
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”
-John Wayne-
“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”
-Ayn Rand-
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scrood · 31-35

Digital ID is the Mark of the Beast - once you take the mark you cannot enter heaven
WalterF · 70-79, M
@scrood Great site - thanks for that
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@scrood I liked the opening satire although as a Briton not an American, most of the more subtle jokes and references to the USA's internal matters were lost on me.

I spotted this, though, further down:

[quote]But there was also talk of the impact of the coming European single currency on the world [/quote]

The EU has had a single currency, the Euro, for years, and although it works, sort of, for the larger and richer countries it has proven very much a mixed blessing. (The UK kept safely out of it.) So I don't know to what that refers. The EU is in no position to teach economics anyway, Apart from its inept agricultural subsidies system, for decades its auditors could not only make the books balance, but the European Commission actively banned them and anyone else from trying to investigate where the money was going.

The problem is that ours is a world of many nations of many different conditions, cultures. economies, systems and needs; some inimical to each other; but most dependent on, and affecting, each other in many ways.

So whatever the faults of the WEF and its rather narcissistic bean-feasts, and ignoring coveting its individuals' personal riches, we all still need talk to, and trade with, each other, somehow.

So if no WEF, what instead? I expect it can be done better but have no [i]constructive[/i] ideas how. [i]Does anyone else[/i]?

Anyway, I think governments generally do try to discuss such matters with each other properly, without the WEF's help.