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The worst kind of fear

Is the fear of what others might think.

This self-imposed slavery is worse than death.
The constant worry of what others might think will wreak havoc in your life.
So, remove yourself from this shackle and feel the freedom and relief you've never felt before.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It's not that simple. It's not just the fear of what others might think, it's the fear of being condemned, excluded, bullied, assaulted, discriminated, taken away opportunities etc.
Come on, like you don't know people...there really are some not that far away from 3-brain-cell apes ready to literally and figuratively throw you under the bus or form a mob if your worldview differs from their indoctrination.
@CrazyMusicLoverAll to true in todays world, unfortunately ..
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I tell myself that I'm not in public to be a satisfaction for others. I'm in public for my own enjoyment.
Kowabunga · 51-55, M
Yes, I never care unless what I am doing has a negative effect on someone
Renaci · 36-40
I believe the worst fear is fear of God/supernatural which has driven millions to kill and destroy in its name.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@Renaci That is true history.

But, upon closer inspection, it springs from human greed, ignorance, and careless belief. People who commit such crimes in the name of God are merely acting on their animal tendencies under the guise of serving God.

It is far easier to hate in the name of God than it is to love in His name.

And malicious individuals among so-called'religious leaders' take advantage of such men's folly to further their own personal objectives.

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