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what do i do now? need advice!!

I need to provide backstory in order for this story to make sense. I am a 20 y/o female, and this guy i'm talking to is my age. We met in elementary school, where we were good friends and stayed that way until he moved away. Mind you, we haven't seen each other face to face in nearly 10 years, and have just recently come into contact with each other via social media. I was the one to follow his account, but he was the first to intiate any conversation. So, we talked some during the summer, but then he went to military boot camp and the conversation fell off. What I'm wondering is multiple things: should i keep contacting him, since i am always the first one to text; could it be weird for him for me to keep messaging him? Secondly, the conversation he originally began with wasn't just "hey, how are you?", like he asked me about my life and is it weird that I find that attractive? The thing is we haven't seen each other in years, so I probably mean nothing to him. But i keep getting this feeling that i should keep trying to maintain contact? Any advice?
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Contact him. Tell him you understand he can,'t contact you until family day when he gets his phone back, but see if you two can visit after he finishes AIT. And by getting together, I mean he spends his pay to get a hotel near you, staying in a hotel near you. Yes, this implies intimacy, if that hasn't happened before.

Also, if he is a basic infantryman, a little loophole most are not aware of until it is too late. He can arrive to any US Army installation that has infantry and say upon showing up (act like a dumbass) if this is where he is supposed to go, if his unit is there. Army doesn't care about a guy fresh out of basic training, he has no record and can fill any infantry role (except airborne or special forces, don't try that). They will call him a idiot, smack him up the head and make him do a bunch of push ups, but will also enroll him at that base. You can't do that later one, because they give you new orders based off your record.

I would recommend snatching him up for a relationship now as you already know him well. You can marry while in college and he can be what is called a geographical bachelor because you live apart. It will effect any low income grants you receive if married to him.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
If you think you're friends, that's one thing.

But you're thinking of your 'pre-basic training' friend.

Understand that he probably has no access to communication (other than perhaps letter or postcard material) and even then, he now knows any communication he sends will be subject to examination and scrutiny from army officials looking for anything that compromises himself; you; the army; his country.....

I'm sure he'll make contact once basic is complete.
person1075 · 18-21
@Picklebobble2 he's back from basic, has been for about two weeks. he responds, but tbh I wouldn't consider us friends. just two people who knew each other once before. it's so difficult to gauge because he really engaged in conversation that I normally would not expect from someone our age and/or who I had not been in contact with for a long time.
Nah. If he wants to contact you, he will. Give him space.
person1075 · 18-21
@CrystalSkull ok- this was what i was looking for (I think you're the only other female replying here lol) but you do think it's strange to keep messaging him? i just really can't tell how he feels over text, as the last face to face interaction we had we were both like 9 years old. it's so hard to really understand!
@person1075 Yes, don’t be extra. He’ll message you if he wants to. And men will def let you know if they like you that way at some point.
No right or wrong answer.
person1075 · 18-21
also: we don't live anywhere close to each other. different states, and i'm in college, so meeting up isn't really an option. I haven't told anyone really about this bc I'm waiting to see where it goes! :) thanks in advance
carpediem · 61-69, M
What have you got to lose?
If it works out it works out if not move on
Listen to your heart. ♥
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