I want to escape this house
My whole life my dad was an alcoholic, when I was a kid he was drinking and came home every night yelling or fighting my mom, this never stoped even rn in this moment he is drunk yelling and earlier him and my mom were fighting again so I went to stop them, I really hate him so much I hope someone understands, I am so scared that someday he will do bad thighs to her, I can’t even imagine it, I hate to stay everyday and listen if they start a fight, even now i am doing so, if they fight o have to go and make them stop, I push him or even hit him to stop, I hate this man so much, he is getting crazyer and I am so tired of this, I am only sixteen soon I can’t do anything, I want to get my mom out of this house, I don’t care about me I care about her I don’t want a bad thing to happen to her just bc he is an alcoholic, he ruined her life. But I am getting so tired…I don’t know how much I can do this..