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Am I just overreacting?

Okay so, I have this friend, I’ll call them L, they’re my best friend, ever, but we live in seperate places(I had to move away from the rest of the friend group who we’ll call H and C but we still technically live fairly close to eachother) so I don’t see them in person, even though before we were literally inseparable, always there for eachother, even when we were with C and H we were the ones talking to eachother, but now they barely answer my texts or talk to me AT ALL. And H, who I’ve told L I don’t really like, and we mutually agreed that we didn’t trust or like H all that much, is now DATING L. And it feels like L just completely forgot about me, and C, H, AND L all don’t use the group chat anymore, nor do they text me at all, even if I reach out to them. I do have another friend group but they don’t like me very much, and I feel really left out because I genuinely have no one to tell about it(I tell L EVERYTHING and I always have). Am I just overreacting or this actually a bad thing that’s happened?
FinsterCatt · 16-17, T
you're being ignored, and that's not ok. your "friends" dont seem like friends at all. you should get better friends, you don't deserve to be ignored. if ya need an online friend i'm here :33
@FinsterCatt thank you so much<3 I hope you have many great days:3
3Rhenny3 · 13-15
thats a bad thing. you dont deserve to be left out/ignored like that.
@3Rhenny3 thank you!! I hope you have many good days and I hope you never stub your toe in the middle of the night^^
3Rhenny3 · 13-15
@Sometimesitsbetter2letsome1go AHH LMAO TYSM_ WANNA B FRIENDS?

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