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Forced to take lessons for school

my mom is strict about school and grades, she always have been, i don't know why but, she says its for my future but also for the sake of keeping me in school. Let me explain, a few years ago, one of my relatives found a keyboard and brought it to our house, this started a topic of piano lessons. Now me personally, i'm not really interested in instruments like that, but one of my grandma's sister said i should take lesson and of course, my mom said yes, why? Because she's the one that pays my tuition fees so every request she makes we have to do. At first, its okay for me, but as time passes i slowly get tired of it my mom says i have to do the lessons or else i wont be able to go to school. One time my mom asked me if i wanted to stop but she added "but you wont be able to go to school anymore" or something along the lines of that basically saying i can't stop doing the lessons, she said that she and her siblings also did piano lessons until they were in high school and i will too. But, i don't want to, i'm scared if that i say i want to stop the piano lessons, i won't be able to go to school. What should i do? (I know this sound kinda dumb im sorry)
If you don't master the Piano, you'll never get the chance to play a Harpsicord. Don't burn your bridges just yet.

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