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my bestfriend?

lately ive been feeling like my best friend if pulling away from me. im not too sure how to put this but shes recently been talking to me less and keeps shoving me away (verbally and sometimes physically if yk what i mean). i think i could pin point what ive been doing wrong but its not like she hasnt done anything either. however ill start with what ive done. personally i think ive been asking for a lot from her ( not like physical things more like advice or help with homework) however i am always open to helping her out whenever she needs it if i can and i give her sweets and etc. i could be very clingy at times always hanging out with her sticking by her side which i think could be very annoying however shes the closest one to me in our friend group and its always awkward when i try to talk to anyone else (or at least feels awkward to me). However on her side she is always “controlling” over me to the point where she tells me what direction to turn when walking in front of her (like huh???)(but also im kinda lost/shy when im walking in front of the group as i usually follow others or dont know where we wanna be going - i also dont wanna loose them) and she always orders me to go do this or go do that when working in a group, taking the leader position almost immediately ( however could mean shes reliable) but she also physically hurts me (pinches) if i do something she doesnt want me to do or just scolds me aggressively framing me as a bad annoying person in front of all our friends ( this happened once when we had a little disagreement and we looked at our friend with that look in her face like “look what i have to deal with” even though shes the one ordering me around).with pinching i have an unpleasant past with it as my parents (especially my dad) would pinch and twist my skin whenever i did something wrong in public or at home ( if yk what i mean u know how painful it is ). now, she doesnt walk with me as frequently or even hang or call (unless she needs somethibg) for that matter leaving me behind frequently and bursting out into fits of anger when i ask her for small things. i really have no clue if im overthinking things and im totally in the wrong but i hate my situation and just wanna be besties with her as usual. ( its really hard for me to make friends like her especially now at this time - shes one of the only close friends i have)
Onasander · 41-45, M
Buy joint tickets to a luxury spa, schedule them together and chit chat.
She's controlling & abusive...

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