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I'm just tired

I'm tired of my mom constantly comparing me to my friends. I'm tired of my mom using me as a therapist. I'm tired of her always making me the problem, this created so much insecurity and anxiety in myself. I'm here to vent become i don't want to be a burden to my friends they have enough of their own problems.
Berrypppie · 16-17, F
Mother issues. How very familiar. Perhaps, if you want to dwelve deeper into conversation, I am here. Perhaps there is a solution for the both of us.
Awh listen she won't understand but that doesn't make how you feel less valid, I'm so sorry she does this, I think it's time you bring it up to her or another adult figure in your life (if none I understand)
Scarameow · 13-15, F
@NoahMuffian i would love too but where i live its normal here and adults don't care that much. Most of them already know but won't fo anything but thank you.

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