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Mildly AdultUpset
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vent story

Last night, I was doing homework, and my mom kept trying to get into my business. I asked her to stop, and she said some rude things (I was in the living room & she was in the kitchen.) I ignored her, because I was getting tired of her, she was also being a bit of a bitch throughout the day. After a bit, I had to get on YouTube to watch a short video for the class, and she asked me to show her my screen, so I turned my screen around, and she saw it was on YouTube, and she stormed over and took my Chromebook out of my hands, and started going through everything, and yelling at me for "not staying focused." I took my Chromebook back, and told her to not go through my stuff, then she yelled at me, and kinda raised her hand a bit (she's never hit me before) and that scared me, so I curled into myself, and started crying because I was scared. I refused to look at her because I was scared, and then she kept yelling at me to look at her. There was no way I was going to look at her… So I just stayed like I was, she eventually sat down next to me and kept yelling at me. I eventually got the strength to say something, and I kept repeating to her "too close" because she was too close to me, and she didn't for a bit, and the entire time I kept saying "too close." eventually I had to raise my voice a bit, and she got up. But she stayed in the doorway to the room. after a bit, I wanted to go to my safe space (my room) and I tried to get past her, but she wouldn't let me through, thankfully I'm shorter AND stronger than her, so I got past her easily. I ran downstairs to my room, and cried myself to sleep.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
The trouble started when you got your chrome. You shouldn’t have anything like that to go through. Then there would be no fights.
Your mother is yelling because she loves you and doesn’t want to take away your chrome. She feels helpless because you are an immature little brat that is not grown up enough to have an adult device. The reasonable thing to do is rid you of the burden of being grown when you clearly are not.

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