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The stained tears beyond the shame

A lot of people tell others everything gonna be better even though they know the feelings will stay the same. People are coping with their temper happiness and lying to themselves that they're happy. If life is as good as they say then why do we always feel sadness more than happiness? Drowning in the dwelling hole of sorrow, reaching out our hands and hoping someone will accept it and let us out of this circle of agony. I often feel no joy or sorrow. It's just dull, but not completely numb. I don't know what I want. I don't want anyone but I also don't wanna be alone, I don't want to die but I also don't want to live like this. Talking about my problems to others makes me feel bad. I don't want to grow up but I also don't want to be a kid once again I also hate being a silly emotional teenager, yet I'm scared to die. Suicide is just so painful, the idea of being apart from the person I love, unable to do the things I still want to do. The thought when I see someone struggle with their feelings, I feel super annoyed and think that it's their problem, it's their life and they should be able to manage it themselves but I also have problems myself and hope there will be someone who comforts me whenever I need them. Give me genuine love and care, and that just makes me feel really bad and sick of myself. I just want to shove my fingers down my throat and puke every thought of mine out. I don't want to be like this but people can hardly be changed. I just hate everything about life. Life is just so easy. Born, live then die but why such complex and annoying emotions we gotta feel all along the way of living? People tell people to keep fighting but the true goal is withering away from this world like a leaf falling from its tree. It makes me think if it's worth it to fight with the enemies we don't even if it's exist in the first place and know we will lose it all in the end someday. So many youths die at such a young age yet no one seems to care that much. Mourning and crying for someone's death but then pretending like nothing has happened because life is about to move on. All we gotta care is about our own lives. It's depressing but that's true. Truth cannot be denied no matter how fast we run away from it. What we can do is accept it and keep hoping with the hopeless wish.
AliceinWonderl4nd · 18-21, F
Hey, I just wanted to say that I completely resonate with what you're saying, and that I have never seen thoughts so similar to my own put in this way.

I think we unfortunately have to accept this reality that we live in, no matter how much we want to disappear or escape from it. I think it's impossible to be truly happy and carefree and the people who are can only seemingly be so and often tell me that I am boring and too negative and of course it is just my opinion and others can have theirs, therefore it is not impossible to think other ways but I don't think we should.
We are our own person with our own way to think, process, feel and live, I don't think there is a right or wrong version to think of one's life and that we still must keep living in our own way no matter how hard it is. I understand what it is to feel so hopeless and disorientated, but it will never always be the exact same amount of those feelings everyday. I like to think that we are constantly changing, not just throughout the years, but throughout days, minutes, our thoughts also change. I think these small changes don't mean they are for the better or worse but just different stages of our perception of ourselves, so we aren't necessarily stuck to a single place mentally, ever.

I sometimes compare myself how I was when I was better when I'm feeling shit or when I was worse when I'm feeling better, but honestly it is something that is not linear. I don't think we can just put more weight the good or bad things, as it tends to focus too much on those things and feelings that we are not considering other thoughts and feelings at the present time. (I hope this is coherent I'm sorry if it's not) Whatever has happened, whether it was a positive or a negative thing, whether we remember or not isn't erased from who we are today.
English isn't my mother tongue btw :p

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