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I hate my body

So today at school this boy just randomly out of no where said i'm emo and fat. I dont care about the emo part but when he called me fat I told him "I dont know why your just randomly saying that. I already know im fat" and he said to me that he was just reminding me. But when i got home I just started crying. I know im fat and ugly or whatever but why did he just randomly say that. It hurts even more when its said out loud. Ive been fat literally all my life. I tried everything I could do to be skinny. I just dont know anymore. I'd do anything to be skinny even if its unhealthy. Its like my parents set me up to fail. Feeding me mcdonalds and fast food. I hate my body. I needed somewhere to vent but I didn't know where, now im venting to a bunch of strangers. I feel pathetic.
Take up some self defence classes. I used to get taunted mercilessly as always had big boobs and a fat bum. Boys at school started shouting out 'ahh Bisto' and 'meaty goodness' at me so I took up kick boxing. Those boys certainly started to run when I threatened to beat the crap out of them and it keeps you fit too. ☺️
@SW-User i also started taking kick boxing and its really stress reliving and i love my teacher so much so i definitely recommend 😄
it's crazy how kids in school are geniuses at zeroing in on what will hurt the most to hear, and they say it with no compunction whatsoever. let it inspire you to do what it takes to love your body - which should be mix of healthy living and acceptance. screw that kid, he's obviously got problems of his own if he picks on people for no reason
Smearedlipstick · 100+
@SW-User Thank you<3
PirateQueen · 31-35, F
This can be a good place to vent. I hope it helps.

That kid was just being randomly cruel. He is the ugly one, not you.

I hope you can love your body as you are! Being skinny is not the same as being healthy, or beautiful.
Smearedlipstick · 100+
@PirateQueen Thank you <3
As the saying goes, hurt people hurt people.

If he was happy, he wouldn't need to hurt other people.

In the process, he's a complete jerk and what do we care what jerks think?
Be proud of who you are, and work on becoming who you want to be. Suggest he come up with an at least interesting insult next time
Smearedlipstick · 100+
@Justafantasy thank you<3 and I will next time
@Smearedlipstick expect to need more good insult comebacks, that's just a starting point
Doomflower · 41-45, M
Yeah I've been through just about body type a single person can be in their life and none of them made me happy.

If you hate yourself, nothing you do to your body will make it better. It can provide distraction and a feeling of power temporarily but then you have to maintain and that's much harder than getting skinny imho and it wears your self esteem no matter what.

I 100% support people making small changes one step at a time to improve their health and move towards a healthy weight for their body but a little pudge is fine, even healthy. It's less dangerous than being significantly underweight.
Poppies · 61-69, F
That guy at school doesn't have anything better to do than put people down. His own life is lacking, and the only thing he can think of to do is to say that some people are doing worse than him.
Ynotisay · M
First, any guy that would say that is CLEARLY struggling with his own issues. That's how that works. Don't give it a second thought. That person is weak and afraid.
As far as being overweight, unless you're a child, which I'm hoping isn't the case, the only person responsible for what you put in to your body is you. Hating your body isn't the ticket. Caring about your body is. It's the only one you have. It's not about looks. It's about health and the power that comes from knowing that you run you. Good luck.
Georgies · 16-17, F
My friend experienced the same thing today, and to be honest with you, sometimes people think its funny, or they're putting you down so they can feel better about themselves. Cause there was this girl thats called my friend fat, but she really isn't. Thing is about the girl, she seems kinda heavy (respectfully) and insecure, it seems she was doing ut to feel better about herself.
Lostpoet · M
Don't worry about losing weight if you're still in school than your body is still growing and later on you can thin down if you want to. But being a little over weight has some benefits like I bet that kid wouldn't try to fight you or anything. Insults is all he can do because that's all that he got.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
You don't have to be skinny, you just have to be healthy. And be healthy for yourself, not be cause this random person on the web says so! Get away from the fast food, ignore the people putting you down, and try to think positively about the future rather than dwelling on the past.

Good luck!
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
You aren't pathetic at all.You vent as much as you need to. This is why some of us are here. That little baby boy will get it one day. Screw him . Walk tall. You can show him that , hes an idiot. We are all here for you.
Some people need to realize that keeping their mouth shut is the best option…! I may not know u but for a fact ik ur pretty babes!
Mai4e · 16-17, F
People love and I mean LOVE to point out things. Trust me it’s going to stop . I have been bullied for being emo and my body. I just started acting like I don’t care and that they were invisible. When they don’t get the attention they want from you, they just hop on another person.
Just try to focus on other things. I know it’s very hard but at one point you get used to it. Which is very bad. But it doesn’t bother you that much
Nebula · 41-45, F
Sorry that happened to you ☹️
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Get a gym membership
@HannibalMontanimal dude some times losing weight isn’t easy so instead of post that bs just stay quiet

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