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Usually i dont like socializing... Its kinda weird tho im istj,has adhd but im a gemini which usually is a social butterfly,i dont like friends that are fake,like.. Lets just call her amy,amy shes a bit of a jerk she gossips about everyone in her trio but she is so cruel to one person in her trio chloe(not real name) she would hit chloes head or hit her,chloe opened to me and said she didnt wanna be friends with her anymore but amy still wanna be friends with chloe..,almost all of my classmates even our teacher dont like amy,she gossips about almost all of our classmates and say bad things about them one time she made mary(nrn) cry bc she said bad things about her,mary is adopted but there is nothing wrong about that.,amy is a pick me and so cruel yet she has a crush on my boy best friend jun(nrn) almost half of the girls in our class likes him but me and my best friends are an exception,anyways lets change the topic, i never usually like fake friends and usually get left out,i like drawing and music and waitching the moon and the ocean,thats what gets me away from the real world , me and my best friend rain(nrn) likes to hang out bc her trio is seperated but when they got back together she kinda left me out i think,her other friends are in another class,me and rain are classmates,its like this feeling when they are your closest almost the only friend you have but their not yours.
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Isthisit · F
Paragraphs my friend....

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