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Im going to die by the hands of my own parents

This isn't the first or is gonna be the last time they're gonna aim a knife at my pulse. I dont want to die this way but its either that or i do it, i cant reach out to anyone i know. I wish i make it to my 15th birthday though, i have a plan on how to distribute the money I've made since i was 12. I wanna host a competition with my friends and whoever wins gets $500, the remaining will probably go to my younger sister in her name. Just 7 more months and i can be free from this hellhole. I hope they get the hint and aren't too disappointed in me : ] .

I don't want to die, but it's for my own safety. It's either they do it or i do it.
Mummapumpkin · 22-25, F
Please please contact the police or childline. Tell a teacher. Please.

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