so much is happening so fast
My family is moving soon, i am rapidly losing friends, and i can't focus on anything. My mom keeps using things like 'were the parents' and 'you're still just a teenager' and i hate it. We have two dogs, and my family struggles to take care of them but won't rehome them or do anything about it, despite recognising that they're causing us nothing but trouble. My stepdad is mentally abusive and hate a respect-based god complex, demanding we show him respect even when we're treated like maids. I have feelings for my best friend, but she's older & dating someone so I'm locked in heartache. A girl got really close to me, then did a 180 and started dating someone else. My stepsister is no better than her dad and is just constantly an ass about everything from our chores to food. My older sister is going into the air force in September, we're probably moving by the end of march, and my life is coming crashing down on me. I have (not specifying) physical and mental health issues, nut my mom refuses to go to a dentist or doctor, or pay for real therapy. Both my mom and my stepdad drink and smoke weed, and spend ballpark 100$ a month that could be used for something else. My dad and stepmom, who are both way nicer, live five hours away and i only get to see them once every six months. I shut myself away from my family, and they wonder why i never talk to them, but they constantly insult me over and over again, and I'm almost out of real love to show. I don't, contrary to most teens or people in my town (including my stepsister), have any issues with weed or alcohol, or any form of drugs, and i don't self harm, but I can't bring myself to get out of bed most days.
I know all of this is a hot mess to read I'm sorry i just needed to get it off my chest.
I know all of this is a hot mess to read I'm sorry i just needed to get it off my chest.