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Failing academically and socially

I fell stupid ,dumb and retardant amongst my group of friends .everyone else got invites to academic awards and get recognised and this makes me feel a lot of pressure because when people see us together they think that everyone in the group is smart when I am putting up with this fasade.people expected me to be there with them up on stage getting all these awards but I feel like I disappointed them. I try to match their standard but I am feeling burnt out
I wonder why I can’t be as good as smart or as intelligent as they are .and I start feeling left out and like an outsider in the group
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SunnyBunnies · 16-17, F
You could always just try and tell them, if they’re really your friends I’m sure they’ll try and work things out with you. But second of all, your not dumb and please don’t think that, I know it sounds stupid or cheesy to say we all grow at our own time but that’s true, we all have different ways of learning and some people just haven’t found what’s right, so whoever you are I hope your ok, just no nobody expects you to be perfect or smarter than anyone else.

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