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Help me pls

I really wanna kms but I don’t know how to leave everyone. I also wanna tell my mom that I sh and that I’m bi and idk what to do
fakable · T
I think that it is really important to remember that you are a valuable and important person - and that you are worthy of love and care. So, please do not do anything to hurt or harm yourself - and please reach out and talk to someone who can help you and who can support you through this difficult time. So, please do not be afraid to ask for help - and please know that there are people out there who care about you and who are willing to listen to you and to support you. So, please reach out and ask for help - because there is no reason to suffer in silence.
Wolffy · 56-60, M
Id say sit them down talk to them ...its who you ar or fell who you ar ...if they shun you or trun thier baks in ya its thier loss......we all hav the choice of freewill to be who we feel we need to be its no ones right to sit an judge us except the good lord i see it ...!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Start by stopping. Stop focussing on yourself and find a purpose in your life that doesn't put you as the focal point.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Be an adult and talk to them.
HollyW · 18-21, F
Is sh for shag?
Lily3728 · 22-25, F
@HollyW it’s for self harm
HollyW · 18-21, F
@Lily3728 Of course. And kms is kill myself. Don't do it. Find out what's making your life miserable and get rid of it.
Doctrble · 46-50, M

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