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I can't help myself and everyone else

(TW-mentions of ED,Self Harm, and suicide).
I can't do this. I can't save myself, I was so proud of myself because I haven't Self harmed in about 3 weeks! But I got into a relationship and she is very insecure and won't eat for days on end. I am constantly begging her to eat. I can't keep up with both of our health considering that I barely can care for myself. So I fell back into self harm tonight and I'm shaking. I want to cry but I'm honestly numb. I also took an autistic test because I had heard about it and I felt like I related to it and it scared me. Instead of supporting me my cousin laughed at me, I ended up with a high score but it could just be that I'm socially awkward. Autism shares ALOT of symptoms with other things.
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Carebear2992 · 31-35, F
I am sorry things are dark and I people can't support they have to judge and laugh you can talk to me if you want to
luviti · 16-17, F
I'm sorry u feel like this:/ it gets better I promise you. you should start looking after yourself more than others. and if people don't like you that is completely THEIR fault, NOT yours. if ur cousin dosent like that u might be autistic, frick them. they're insecure and just reflect their insecurities on you.

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