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Parents not understanding

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So my parents told me that a friend of theirs is moving into the guest bedroom in the basement for college, and I was asking questions about his person, they came over to check out the room and said that If he is still here in the country, he will take the room, there are 4 bedrooms in our house all but one are occupied. Then after the guest leaves my parents tell me that a different person is moving in, taking my sisters room (my sister will then move into my parents room) then the guest will move into my sisters room which happens to be beside my room. Now I’m mad at this because I won’t be able to do a lot of stuff, I have to be quiet all the time, I have to share the bathroom with a person I only met once. And my parents don’t understand because the same situation happens 2 years ago in my old house, and they said I did not have to be quiet, but they ended grounding me for 1 month because someone was taking an online exam and something from my room dropped on the ground. And I told them that the same thing is gonna happen and I’m gonna have to live like a mouse, I don’t want to confront my parents because they are going to scold me for being ungrateful when I’m just sharing my thoughts.
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Lucyy · 22-25, F
I mean I guess it depends on if your age range on here is correct. If you are an adult living in your parents house, that is your choice, and if you have an issue with their choices, you can move out. Common decency is to not be absurdly loud when you live with other people, but even if you feel your parents have unreasonable expectations, you are, again, an adult in their house. They can do whatever they want, and you need to abide by their rules or move out.
That being SAID- if you lied about your age on here and are underage, that is a different story. You have no choice but to stay, and they should be a bit more sympathetic. But at the end of the day, it is still their house, they paid for it, and they get to say who does or does not stay there (within reason).
It is their house and their rules until you move out on your own. I can understand your need for privacy and the rest. Can you figure out a solution that your parents could accept? Think. Good luck.
So to you all the kids all across the land
There's no need to argue
Parents just don't understand
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
Okay here's the situation, my parents went away on a week's vacation
And um they left the keys to their brand new Porsche
Would they mind? Of course not
I'll just take it for a little spin
Maybe show it off to a couple of friends
I'll just cruise around the neighborhood
Well maybe I shouldn't
Yeah of course I should
Pay attention here's the thick of the plot here's what I saw at the end of my block this beautiful girly girl walking I picked up my car phone and perpetrate like I was talking.....
Carissimi · F
You have your age as 22-25. Are you from a country where parents still scold their adult children? It sounds like your parents own a rental house, and you are one of the renters. Can’t you move somewhere else?
@Carissimi I’m 13 lol
How does your sister feel about losing her room ? Are your parents renting the rooms ? Perhaps this is a financial boost that’s needed right now ? If so, maybe being quieter is a small price to pay ?

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