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what should i do?

i feel like i dont have friends but i have friends at the same time , they just come and go as they want idk .
i am so sick and tired of being a therapy friend
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I feel you... I'm in the same situation and would love something longer term.
dale74 · M
I know exactly what you mean
Amylynne · 26-30, F
as we have been SEPARATED, by online life and social media, we have so many "friends" that they are often valueless
ther is no connection no real communication. it is all just playing
some people dont even knnow how to behave in person any more
iamelijah · 26-30, M
Better just ignore them. Just busy yourself with your life without thinking about them.
Jungleman · M
they don't sound like real friends, walk away from them and never look back.
nobodybutmeandmyself · 18-21, F
@Jungleman yk i have like a really soft spot for them its really hard to do that
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Omg this is so me. Then people be like you need better friends. 🙄
Its like no. My current friends need to stop being so fucking needy and actually listen once in a while.
nobodybutmeandmyself · 18-21, F
@Gangstress bro like i deadass have my own gc where i therapist myself lol
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Tell them all to go straight to hell and make a ton of money and then fly away.
nobodybutmeandmyself · 18-21, F
@GeistInTheMachine i wish i could but i appreciate ur spp<33

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