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I feel like...

I feel as if I'm not alive, as if I don't feel anything, I don't recognize what I feel, nothing, except anxiety, I think so, that I feel anxiety, I've been very unmotivated, without wanting to do anything, just wanting to avostarmo for years in my bed, open my cell phone, sleeping, without anyone entering my room, without anyone looking at me or approaching me, being alone and doing absolutely nothing, without having to get up, feeling alive acting as dead, not feeling dead acting normal , as if nothing happened and as if I felt something
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Max41 · 26-30, M
Maybe you can watch a cartoon movie it .
Dontwant2beknown · 16-17
Damn I was there too a few years ago. Man I’m so sorry, really, cuz that just really fucking sucks. I personally got out of it by getting out of the house, if you have any friends it’s probably a good idea to surround yourself with those too. I really hope you get better, remember to eat and drink and all that to since I used to forget. I wish you the best of luck getting out of it
zoevent · 16-17, F
@Dontwant2beknown I eat a lot, I think is an escape behaviour and my friends,, think they are not my friends, they act like im an stranger
WOW355 · 16-17, F
I keep seeing you and relating to you really don’t know how I’m going to get out of this my bed is my safe haven everything is too tiring and the loneliness and sadness doesn’t help with anything. School is also shit.

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