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Mildly AdultAnxious
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Vents to get of my chest #1

Don't you hate it when some of your friends are always being angry with you or just being a bitch because you were "rude to them" like in this case making you cry and threating you when they thing you are being "rude". Well this is where this really starts... I have a "friend" not saying their name because of privacy reasons that always gets angry at me for the most little of things, when they do they always and I mean always threaten me. At this point I always say sorry to them even when I did not do anything at all because I just feel like they will threaten me again. Okay an example how would you feel if a "close friend/best friend" just went to you when you were crying and said "stop being such a cry baby for once" and they said that every single time almost. Me myself has anger issues and I know they know that but when as they say I "mix emotion bubbles" and get angry or have a "bad tone of voice" they threaten me. This person has given me anxiety from all of this. This has been going on like since a month after I met them. But since im their "best friend" im not going to leave their side even if this keeps going on. P.s sorry if there was bad spelling/grammer in this post im just really tired.

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