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My own father that i used to love mentally abused me without knowing.Like calling me fat and ugly and other mean stuff but idk what to do i am only 11

I shouldn't even be on this site but i feel like i might just go in an eternal mental breakdown and i am scared that things cannot change plus my dad is being abusive to mom but i can't do anything since he'll definitely hit me and i ended up developing PTSD from it so i am terrified by the fact that things might get worse..Can anybody who has lived this kind of experience or knows something about it help me ? I can't report him to the police because he is the only one who can support our family and because i do not want to traumatise my little sister she just turned 6 and i don't want her to grow up like her big sister:scared of the world and cant manage to get friends and probably is a total failure. The reason i am still here is for the people that actually love me as much as i love them. Cried 3 times while making this.Goodbye.Also i am not 26-30 it's just because i am not supposed to tell my age to people i dont know.
LadyGrace · 70-79
Boy this is really rough for you. I am so sorry this is happening to you. Would you by any chance, have a relative like a grandma that you could go live with? I really feel for your mother and sister. He should not be able to get away with this, but due to the circumstances, he has put all in jeopardy. I think your mother should secretly see a counselor and that counselor would help her plan to get away the right way. You've got to have a plan. Your mother needs to take you and your sister away from there and live far away from him and not let him track you down. It can be done but this abuse has to stop. You could get food stamps and get subsidized housing. Does your mother have any relatives that she could go stay with until she can get on her feet and could get a job? And if she can't get a job, perhaps a relative who lives far away would still allow her to stay with them. Maybe the three of you could go to shelter until you get on your feet. It would be pretty rough at first but at least you would be in a safe place. I will be praying for you and your family. I wish I had the money. I would rent you guys a place. But I really feel your mother should get counseling so she can get a plan together. This would really help. They would help her do this. Another option would be for her to call a social worker and tell them what's going on and they would make him leave. But I wouldn't do that unless I talked to a counselor first. And if Social Services made him leave, then your mother could get food stamps and stay where she's at and get a restraining order against him so he couldn't harass you all. But I think your mom's best bet is to just leave and never let him know where you're at. I had to do that. It's best to just move to another County as far away as you can, but you cannot leave the state. And if you do leave that way, your mother must and I can't emphasize this enough, your mother must get a copy of your school records so he can't trace you through the school. And you tell no one and I mean no one, where you're going or even that you are leaving. That is crucial. You'll have to start a brand new life. And none of you should ever confide in new friends or wherever you go. The minute you do, he can trace you down. Your mother must not leave a paper trail. I hope she has a car so she can drive. Those are a few options you can think about and you can tell your mother about when your dad is not home. And you don't want to leave notes around that show your plans because he will find them and then that will miss everything up. You all take care honey. I wish I could do more. What state do you live in? Do you have any relatives that could help you out financially? And if you all leave, you cannot tell anyone and you must leave while he's at work. I just hope and pray you have a car. Another option is that when a mother and the kids have to leave like this with no place to go, they can go to a Catholic Church and the priest will give them the first month's rent, so you will have a place to stay. They will do that. Perhaps they will help you find a place to stay as well. That is what the church is for. The priest will not give it directly to your mother but to the landlord as he will want to make sure the money goes where it's supposed to. Churches also have food pantries where you can get food for your new place. If she does have a car, the one thing she must never do is register it at the new place she's staying at. Then your dad will track her down for sure. As long as her license plate is up to date she can get by with this for a while but I'm really hoping you have relatives where you all can go and be safe. One big mistake women do who have to leave is tell their husband they're leaving. Threats don't work and that will backfire on everyone and then you will be in big trouble. Then you will put your lives in danger. So you can't tell your dad or anyone where you're going or even that you are going because that will really set him in a rage. I'm not trying to scare you but prepare you and help you know what to do and what not to do. Please take care and write anytime. Love, Grace
Confined · 56-60, M
If it gets physical call police.
Leave this site - or at the very least set your age to 13.

You've been reported for your own safety.

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